Let’s Put Water Magic to Use
That night.
Yuuto decided to do magic training in the garden of the mansion.
If it’s this site where a wall was built around it, I can devote myself to magic training to as much as I want without minding eyes from the outside.
Such reason also existed in Yuuto’s prompt decision when buying this mansion.
(… Water!)
A sphere of ice was grasped on Yuuto’s right hand after casting a spell in his mind.
It was only possible to lower the temperature of the water from the beginning, but it’s now possible to generate ice freely.
Water Magic Solidification.
It was the new technique that I acquired by training magic day after day.
Yuuto applies «Baseball Pitching Technique» and throws the ball of ice vigorously.
The target that I aimed at is the first trunk of a large tree in the garden.
At that moment.
The ice breaks while making a BARIN sound.
The trunk of the large tree became dented by the shock of the lump of ice which Yuuto threw.
(If it’s power is like this… It seems to be enough for me to be able to use it in an actual fight.)
The original method of long-range attack up until now was to throw stones that he picked up.
I seem to be able to substitute it with this lump of ice from now on considering this inspection.
The merit of using water magic is that it doesn’t require the motion of taking out a stone from the bag.
And furthermore--.
That’s not the only benefit of water magic.
(Now, change shape…)
When Yuuto casts a spell in his mind.
I embodied the lump of ice to an icicle with a pointed tip.
Yuuto throws it in a manner similar to throwing a stick shuriken.
The icicle which was thrown by hand pierces the trunk of the large tree deeply.
{MTLN: 棒手裏剣 - Sauce}
It was possible to change the appearance of water magic into various throwing weapons.
This great versatility will be an advantage that no other type of weapons have.
(Good. Then next is…)
Yuuto, satisfied with the result, makes it embodied the next throwing weapon.
Making a circular lump of ice with sharp edges in the image of a chakram.
{MTLN: チャクラム - Sauce}
Yuuto throws the ice chakram towards the large tree.
The target that I aimed at is one of the branches which grew from the large tree.
The chakram which was released from the hand hits and tears off the branch of the tree.
The cut branches and leaves falls into the ground while the leaves make a BASABASA rustling sound.
{MTLN: These SFXs though.}
(The practicality seems to be high in everything…)
Depending on the situation, I can shoot, pierce or chop.
It’ll be a big profit that I got three kinds of long-range attacks.
{MTLN: Third one “斬” not sure… MTL just says chop but second sentence says “3 kinds of long-range attacks.”}
『Flexibility that isn’t influenced by the war situation』which the «Konoe Ryuu Taijutsu» emphasises on above all else, for the embodiment of the throwing weapon by water magic, there was an advantage that substitution doesn’t work.
{MTLN: Not sure about second and third.}
Yuuto, which has finished the inspection of long-range attacks, moves to the training of «Tentacle Magic».
It’ll be because I’m challenging a magic with high degree of difficulty called the synthetic magic.
There’s still a lot of problem here.
There seemed to be room of improvement in the number, length and duration of the tentacle.
「Look forward to it. Spica. Sylphia…」
By the deep attachment in concentration and eroticism that Yuuto trained in martial arts--.
He mastered the tentacle magic at an astonishing speed.
{MTLN: First sentence, not sure.}
After the training was over, it’s time for bathing.
The thing Yuuto was looking forward to for a while now after exploring the mansion was this.
Even if there was a shower at the inn where Yuuto stayed at up to now, there were no bathtubs.
Because of that.
This will be the first experience of Yuuto taking a bath after being summoned in the other world.
3 kinds of bath existed in this mansion, a large indoor bath, a medium bathhouse, and a small bathhouse.
The method of boiling water becomes possible by using the «Water Magic Stone» and «Fire Magic Stone».
{MTLN: I don’t know what to call it so I’ll just go with the MTL which is “Fairy Stone”.
Edit: Changed "Fairy Stone" to "Magic Stone", thanks ElectricIcecream~♫}
Spica said that it’s possible to buy a fairy stone at various locations in the town including the guild authorized store, but it seems expensive to some degree.
Although there was the feeling of wanting to be indulged in a rich feeling using a large communal bath, it’ll only quickly consume the fairy stones when boiling that much water.
When Yuuto entered the small bathhouse, he rested his exhausted body.
After bathing was over, it’s time to go to bed.
The reason is because magic training became longer than I though.
It has become late at night.
{MTLN: Second sentence.}
Talking about such circumstances to Spica and Sylphia, I told them to sleep in their own rooms after they finished bathing.
Yuuto, which warmed up his body after a long time, returns to his room wearing his pyjama.
「Huh…? The two of you. Is there something wrong? 」
Spica and Sylphia, who are wearing negligees for some reason, are inside Yuuto’s room.
{MTLN: Sexy time?}
「We’re sorry, master. It doesn’t feel comfortable having a… large room alone.」
「T-There’s particularly no deep meaning in this. The reason is because I thought that it is my duty as a knight to protect the body of milord! 」
「Is that so. Then today’s a special day where the 3 of us sleep together.」
{MTLN: Last part of the sentence.}
When Yuuto proposed it, the two beautiful girls showed a dazzling smile.
After all.
No matter how large the house they move in is, the three of them sleeping in the same bed doesn’t seem to have changed.
ลองใส่น้ำวิเศษไปใช้คืนนั้นYuuto ตัดสินใจเมจิกฝึกในสวนของคฤหาสน์ถ้าไซต์นี้ที่สร้างกำแพงรอบ ๆ ฉันสามารถอุทิศตัวเองเพื่อมายากลฝึกอบรมให้มากที่สุดต้องไม่ มีการดูแลสายตาจากภายนอกเหตุผลดังกล่าวยังอยู่ในของ Yuuto พร้อมท์การตัดสินใจซื้อแมนชั่นนี้(… น้ำ)ทรงกลมของน้ำแข็งมี grasped บนมือขวาของ Yuuto หลังหล่อตรึงในจิตใจของเขาก็เท่านั้นสามารถลดอุณหภูมิของน้ำจากจุดเริ่มต้น แต่ตอนนี้สามารถสร้างน้ำแข็งได้อย่างอิสระน้ำวิเศษ Solidificationมันเป็นเทคนิคใหม่ที่ผมซื้อ โดยฝึกมายากลตลอดวันYuuto ใช้ «เบสบอลขว้างเทคนิค» และขว้างลูกบอลน้ำแข็งดั่งเป้าหมายที่ผมมาที่แรกลำต้นของต้นไม้ใหญ่ในสวนได้ในช่วงเวลานั้นแบ่งน้ำแข็งในขณะที่เสียง BARINลำต้นของต้นไม้ใหญ่กลายเป็นเว้าแหว่ง โดยการช็อกของก้อนน้ำแข็งซึ่ง Yuuto โยน(ถ้ากำลัง เป็นเช่นนี้... ก็น่าจะเพียงพอที่จะสามารถใช้ในการต่อสู้จริง)เดิมวิธีการโจมตีพิสัยจนถึงตอนนี้โยนหินที่เขารับได้แต่ฉันดูเหมือนจะสามารถทดแทน ด้วยนี้ก้อนน้ำแข็งจากขณะนี้พิจารณาตรวจสอบนี้บุญใช้มายากลน้ำได้ว่า มันไม่ต้องใช้การเคลื่อนไหวของการออกจากถุงหินและนอกจาก นี้ -ที่ไม่ได้ประโยชน์เท่าของน้ำ(ตอนนี้ เปลี่ยนรูปร่างเป็น...)เมื่อ Yuuto จะสะกดความรู้สึกในจิตใจของเขาผมรวบรวมไว้ทั้งหมดของน้ำแข็งเพื่อเป็นเสาน้ำแข็งกับคำแนะนำชี้Yuuto ขว้างมันในลักษณะคล้ายกับการขว้างปาดาวกระจายติดเสาน้ำแข็งที่เกิดขึ้นด้วยมือช่องลำต้นของต้นไม้ใหญ่อย่างลึกซึ้ง{ MTLN: 棒手裏剣 - ซอส}ก็สามารถเปลี่ยนลักษณะที่ปรากฏของน้ำวิเศษเป็นอาวุธต่าง ๆ ขว้างปาคล่องตัวดีนี้จะพิจารณาเป็นพิเศษที่มีชนิดอื่น ๆ ไม่มีอาวุธ(ดี แล้ว ต่อไปจะ...) Yuuto ความพึงพอใจกับผล ทำให้มันรวบรวมไว้ขว้างปาอาวุธถัดไปทำให้ก้อนน้ำแข็งกลม มีขอบคมชัดในรูปของตัวจักร{ MTLN: チャクラム - ซอส}Yuuto ขว้างจักรน้ำแข็งต่อต้นไม้ใหญ่เป้าหมายที่ฉันมุ่งเป็นหนึ่งในสาขาที่เติบโตจากต้นขนาดใหญ่จักรที่ถูกปล่อยออกมาจากมือฮิตและน้ำตาปิดสาขาของแผนภูมิตัดสาขาและใบไม้ตกอยู่ในดินในขณะที่ใบทำให้ BASABASA ที่ rustling เสียง{ MTLN: SFXs เหล่านี้ว่า}(ปฏิบัติจริงน่าจะสูงทุกอย่าง...)ตามสถานการณ์ ฉันสามารถยิง เจาะ หรือสับมันจะกำไรขนาดใหญ่ว่า ผมโจมตีพิสัยไกลสามชนิด{ MTLN: สามหนึ่ง "斬" ไม่แน่ใจว่า... MTL กล่าวว่า สับเพียง แต่ประโยคที่สองว่า "3 ชนิดโจมตีพิสัยไกล" }『Flexibility that isn’t influenced by the war situation』which the «Konoe Ryuu Taijutsu» emphasises on above all else, for the embodiment of the throwing weapon by water magic, there was an advantage that substitution doesn’t work. 何よりも『戦況に左右されない柔軟性』を重視する近衛流體術にとって、水魔法による投擲武器の具現化には、代えの利かない利点があった。{MTLN: Not sure about second and third.}Yuuto, which has finished the inspection of long-range attacks, moves to the training of «Tentacle Magic». It’ll be because I’m challenging a magic with high degree of difficulty called the synthetic magic. 合成魔法という難易度の高い魔法に挑戦しているからだろう。There’s still a lot of problem here.There seemed to be room of improvement in the number, length and duration of the tentacle.「Look forward to it. Spica. Sylphia…」By the deep attachment in concentration and eroticism that Yuuto trained in martial arts--.He mastered the tentacle magic at an astonishing speed.悠斗は持前の武術で鍛えた集中力とエロに対する執着により――。{MTLN: First sentence, not sure.} ~~~~~~~~~~~~After the training was over, it’s time for bathing.The thing Yuuto was looking forward to for a while now after exploring the mansion was this.Even if there was a shower at the inn where Yuuto stayed at up to now, there were no bathtubs.
Because of that.
This will be the first experience of Yuuto taking a bath after being summoned in the other world.
3 kinds of bath existed in this mansion, a large indoor bath, a medium bathhouse, and a small bathhouse.
The method of boiling water becomes possible by using the «Water Magic Stone» and «Fire Magic Stone».
{MTLN: I don’t know what to call it so I’ll just go with the MTL which is “Fairy Stone”.
Edit: Changed "Fairy Stone" to "Magic Stone", thanks ElectricIcecream~♫}
Spica said that it’s possible to buy a fairy stone at various locations in the town including the guild authorized store, but it seems expensive to some degree.
Although there was the feeling of wanting to be indulged in a rich feeling using a large communal bath, it’ll only quickly consume the fairy stones when boiling that much water.
When Yuuto entered the small bathhouse, he rested his exhausted body.
After bathing was over, it’s time to go to bed.
The reason is because magic training became longer than I though.
It has become late at night.
{MTLN: Second sentence.}
Talking about such circumstances to Spica and Sylphia, I told them to sleep in their own rooms after they finished bathing.
Yuuto, which warmed up his body after a long time, returns to his room wearing his pyjama.
「Huh…? The two of you. Is there something wrong? 」
Spica and Sylphia, who are wearing negligees for some reason, are inside Yuuto’s room.
{MTLN: Sexy time?}
「We’re sorry, master. It doesn’t feel comfortable having a… large room alone.」
「T-There’s particularly no deep meaning in this. The reason is because I thought that it is my duty as a knight to protect the body of milord! 」
「Is that so. Then today’s a special day where the 3 of us sleep together.」
{MTLN: Last part of the sentence.}
When Yuuto proposed it, the two beautiful girls showed a dazzling smile.
After all.
No matter how large the house they move in is, the three of them sleeping in the same bed doesn’t seem to have changed.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..