People are living longer and, in some parts of the world,
healthier lives. This represents one of the crowning achievements of the last century but also
a significant challenge. Longer lives must be planned for. Societal aging may affect economic
growth and many other issues, including the sustainability of families, the ability of states and
communities to provide resources for older citizens, and international relations. The Global
Burden of Disease, a study conducted by the World Health Organization and the World Bank,
with partial support from the U.S. National Institute on Aging, predicts a very large increase
in disability caused by increases in age-related chronic disease in all regions of the world. In
a few decades, the loss of health and life worldwide will be greater from noncommunicable
or chronic diseases (e.g., cardiovascular disease, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, cancer,
arthritis, and diabetes) than from infectious diseases, childhood diseases, and accidents.
Despite the weight of scientific evidence, the significance of population aging and its global
implications have yet to be fully appreciated. There is a need to raise awareness about not only
global aging issues but also the importance of rigorous cross-national scientific research and
policy dialogue that will help us address the challenges and opportunities of an aging world.
Preparing financially for longer lives and finding ways to reduce aging-related disability should
become national and global priorities. Experience shows that for nations, as for individuals,
it is critical to address problems sooner rather than later. Waiting significantly increases the
costs and difficulties of addressing these challenges