Under the moonlight, I’m at the sports ground in school drawing a certain diagram.
Although it has been approximately 3 hours, it isn’t even half done.
I continue working carefully while checking the miniature A3 paper copy drew beforehand.
“All right, it’s done!”
After 4 more hours in addition, when the sky has become slightly bright, it was completed.
It’s ready, that .
The magic formation to go to a so-called different world.
Once again, I visually compared it with the paper drawn beforehand to verify that no mistakes were made.
There was a mistake in a spot checked briefly.
Ah, that was dangerous……
Although this was prepared with so much trouble, I cannot even cry to cry if I fail.
After all, this is a one time opportunity.
I revised the part with the error and verified it once more.
Ensuring that there is no mistake, it’s finally the crucial moment.
Carrying a backpack overflowing with stuff, I moved to the center of the magic formation.
I look around the world of dawn where the morning sun has risen completely after taking a deep breath once.
It’s just an ordinary sports ground here, the elementary school I had attended for 6 years.
I wasn’t tormented particularly, and there wasn’t a particularly close friend.
Although I had only passed it vaguely, it’s a little moving when I think that this is my last moment.
“Well, shall I go! Farewell, Japan! …… Formation.start!”
After engraving my alma mater and the last morning sun of earth in my memory, I announced my small farewell to the world and activated the magical formation to a different world.
The magic which I didn’t use and had amassed this 3 months was recklessly drawn by the magical formation.
Faint purple light covers the magical formation with the supply of magical power.
At the moment when the light has covered all of the magical formation, it gives off an especially bright color and –
I disappeared from the world.