what is linguistics and why do I have to
bother about this field
doesn't suffice for me as a future
teacher of English
if I can speak English reasonably well
these are questions
you may have asked before but have they
been answered yet
well this introductory class to
linguistics will show you not only
that linguistics is a fascinating
but also that teaching a language
without a profound linguistics
background is virtually impossible
and this presentation provides you with
an overview of our class
so welcome to my presentation of the
introduction to linguistics class for
future teachers I think
in particular I will first look at the
all the class and its syllabus
we will then discuss
the educational principles
that are applied in our class and
finally I would say something about the
requirements that is
the prerequisites you have to satisfy in
order to get the class credits
well let's look at the class description
our class is subdivided
into three parts the first pop
is dedicated to the call areas of
from form it takes to pragmatics however
it is special due to the fact that our
use also attend the phonetics phonology
and transcription class
during the same time we can keep the
phonetic section
relatively short problem all
our teachers degree program contains an
obligatory class called
morphology and syntax which focuses on
present-day English
this class provides you with the details
of morphology and syntax
so that pre the introductory class can
be relatively short here to
the second part
of our class deals with what you might
want to call
the hybrid disciplines where linguistics
combines with other scientific
approaches for example
historical linguistics psycholinguistics
or social linguistics
the remaining two sessions look at the
new media
in linguistics and at the relevant of
in the classroom the whole class
is organized in such a way that the
online content
serves as a prerequisite for our in
class meetings