All Elemental Magic 1 50 MP Missile, Indirect and Heal spells
Mighty Impact 3 120 40 Next Melee Attack is a guaranteed critical hit with 100% Accuracy
Gordian Key 8 240 50 Cancels the 'Gordian Lock' Status
Intimidate 10 240 50 Cancels an opponents readied Skills
First Aid 14 350 50 Removes 'Shackle', 'Stop' and 'Bound' from one ally unit.
Intercession 14 310 50 Immune to next Magic attack.
Shadowbreak 14 330 40 Removes Shadows
Beastslayer 16 200 40 Ignores Defence and grants 100% accuracy when attacking a Beast Unit
Dragonslayer 16 240 50 Ignores Defence and grants 100% accuracy when attacking a Dragon Unit
HP Infusion 17 240 50ALL Heals HP by amount of TP used
Squash 20 370 30 Removes Barricades and obstacles
Ivory Tower 23 500 75 Immune to Physical Attack until next turn