Assaignment for reading strategy 1 students
Reading strategy 1 via email 3
Read the story with antonyms
Antonyms are two words that mean the opposite or nearly the opposite of each other.
1. Read the paragraph below.
2. The numbered words in bold print are the antonyms of the words that should appear there.
3. Fix the story by replacing each bolded word with an antonym that makes more sense in the story.
4. Write the new word on the corresponding numbered line. The first one is done for you.
Felix and Diego were absent on the day of the test. When they left1 at school the following night2, they had to go to a different room to give3 the test. They were calm4 because they were not really prepared but decided to give it their worst5 try. Felix’s pencil mended6 twice during the test because he was pressing too softly7. He finally took a shallow8 breath and calmed up9. At the different10 time, Diego was unoccupied 11, carefully reading and then erasing 12 in the bubbles to answer the questions. He started13 too quickly to do a poor14 job of it, so he decided to look recklessly15 back over each question to make sure he had the incorrect16 answer. Both girls17 spent most of the evening18 until lunch time playing19 on the test. They were very anxious20 when they were finally able to finish and turn their tests out21. They hurried back to their classroom just in time to get their lunch money so they could line up with everyone else to sell22 lunch. They decided to try harder not to be absent on a test day again!