In the moonlight the men saw a strange, black animal.It lookliked a dog with huge,
fiery eyes.But it was as big as a horse. All the men became very frightened.
The hug dog jumped on Sir Hogo Baskerville and killed him.
'well,Mr Holmes,what do you think of this story?.'
asked Dr mortimer. 'I do not think it is true story,' said Holmes
'Why do you show me this story?,do you believe it?.'
'Before Sir Charles Baskerville's death,I did not believe this story' Dr Mortimer answered.
'How did he die?.'Holmes asked
'Sir Charles died of heart attack,' answered Dr Mortimer.
'He was running away form some thing when he died.'
'What was he running away form?.' asked Holmes
'I looked at the ground where Sir Charles had walked,' said Dr Mortimer.
'they were footprints on the ground. they were not the footprints of a man,
they were the footprints of a gigantic hound!