Now with the use of microorganisms in wastewater from factories widely because it is low-cost. Energy-saving When the microbial waste water treatment works, that will make the digestion reaction occurs completely rotten and foul smell of waste, or it will be eliminated.Researchers from the Faculty of science and technology, rajamangala University of technology thanyaburi consists. Dr. glass dome prophecy exposed Mr. State jewelry. Mr. Chan Ka Wonkwi Chumuanthayi. and whether research screening of microorganisms from waste water treatment factories to be used in the water treatment process in plant efficiency.Due to the use of microorganisms in wastewater from industrial waste water is a constraint is still occurring, it should not have a high concentration of salt, or with chemicals and heavy metals in large quantities as well as acid-base and SEO (COD) and b o d (BOD) is higher, because these conditions are going to destroy microorganisms, which in effect makes the waste water treatment by microbes. The use of microbial waste water treatment is to be applied to the factory that produces or uses raw materials that are organic compounds, such as fish, powdered fish factory factory factory, vegetable oil etc.Which, if you can exclude microorganisms with special properties. Life under the harsh environment in the waste water of the factory. Will cause a useful microbial studies in this biochemical mechanisms or activities in which microorganisms are used to get rid of waste products and toxins to various? The knowledge that can be applied to this group for microbial treatment of industrial waste water from other categories. The research will focus on how to find and isolate microorganisms talent in life in the waste water from factories. By storing samples from different parts of the wastewater treatment process, as well as the study of biochemical activities that bacteria use to get rid of waste and used to living under different environments. This is a pioneering experiment to find microorganisms capable of special biochemical reaction, as well as a new microbial species discovery.
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