• Authorized Economic / seek political power
- cycle progression freedom = progressive legislation (Law) is the main reason housing provisions. A basis of truth And result in happiness. The partial destruction Faith-old And led to endless growth is critical thinkers, namely 3 • John Locke (from 1632 to 1704) • Charles-Louis de Montesquieu Secondat, (from 1,689 to 1,755) Jean Jacques Rousseau • (from 1712 to 1778) 1. John. locke (1632-1704) - father of Locke as their support to the civil war. Then there are the anti-sect Puritant Church of England in England. Fled to the United States - a graduate of Westminster and Oxford - growing amidst the turbulence of the idea of social, political and philosophical struggle between the king and parliament - Locke is supporting the "Two treatises of Government" (the 1,690th) - countermeasures system power. categorical (Absolutism) - describes the natural state following conditions: 1. Human nature classy considerate and help each other like two. There is complete freedom Equality between men And will not do anything like that - there is no rule or reason to know that nature teaches. Must not encroach on the rights of others = fundamental rights.
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