The wind continued to sweep across the State of Eastern Emergence for several days after the roc’s passage, before finally dying down.
Meng Hao opened his eyes.
His entire body hurt, causing his eyes to flicker as they opened. An all encompassing pain filled him, causing him to tremble so badly he felt as if he would fall into pieces.
Calm slowly filled his eyes. The pain was alarming, but it actually didn’t compare to the times when the poison within him flared up. Thanks to that, he was used to this kind of pain.
He slowly struggled into a sitting position, panting. He looked down at his body; his clothing was in shreds; bruises and abrasions covered his skin. There were countless wounds, some of which were deeper than other; there some areas where the skin had been removed entirely. If he bumped up against the nearby rocks, it sent piercing pain deep into his bones.
He gasped for breath as he examined himself. As he did, his eyes grew wide. His body felt weak. In fact, it felt almost the same as it had six or seven years ago on Mount Daqing.
“My Cultivation base…” Meng Hao immediately attempted to circulate his Cultivation base. He let out a sigh of relief when he found that it was still there. But then he frowned. He was completely incapable of accessing it, as if it were being blocked by some powerful force.
It was at this moment, as he glanced over his destroyed clothing, that he realized that none of his bags of holding were on his person. It seemed they had all been blown away by the raging wind.
His face fell. He lifted up his hand and reached deep into his robe. When he pulled it out, there was the bag of the Cosmos. This bag was different than a regular bag of holding, so Meng Hao always kept it tucked inside his robe. Therefore, the wind hadn’t been able to touch it.
It’s a good thing I keep most of my things inside the bag of the Cosmos,” muttered Meng Hao, “including my wooden swords and the Lightning Flag. Otherwise this would have been a horrible loss.” He tried to open it up, but no matter how he tried, was unable. Sighing, he looked around.
Within the darkness, black mists wafted to and fro. Strange rocks covered the ground, as well as numerous bones of birds and beasts. Who knew how long they had rotted here before turning into their currently deathly white color? Meng Hao was beginning to grow even more surprised