All of this, again, I certainly hope that you will take because it will improve on your learning experience, whether or not you are focused on the certificate. And in case you're thinking about this, or asking, the class is not itself gamified. A lot of what I'm going to teach you is that gamification is not necessarily simple or easy, and not always the right solution. I didn't feel like I could fully implement gamification in this course given the time and the constraints of the online structure of it. In a way that would truly the learning experience. That being said, there are lots of instructors in both K12 and higher education that are using gamification in lots of fascinating ways. To actually improve the quality of their classrooms.I'll talk about some of them later on in the class. But that being said, there just might be a little bit of gamification here and there in the lectures that you're going to see. I mentioned all of the stuff behind me on the bookcases. Keep an eye on it. You might notice some. Changes some things that look different from video to video, and if you really notice what's going on, you might notice Something else from time to time appearing back there, who knows, maybe a message.