The absorbed radiation dose is measured in Grey (1Gy =
1J/kg). One Gy equals to the absorbed dose of 100rad. For
γ-rays Gy measures the effective absorbed dose [10, 11]. As
an example, we mention that X-rays radiology tests usually
induce to men an absorbed dose of less than 0.1Gy [5]. It has
been reported that absorbed doses higher than 1.5Gy may
be cancerogenic [12]. On 2011 International Commission for
Radiological Protection (ICRP) decided to lower the annual
dose limit for the induction of eye cataract from 150mSv to
50mSv [13]. A radiation weighting factor that takes account
the biological effectiveness of radiation in producing specific
biological effects is RBE (Relative Biological Effectiveness)
and used in atomic bomb dosimetry. The value of the RBE
depends on the characteristics of radiation and its specific
biological effects. For example RBE for neutrons ranges from
5 to 20 indicating that neutrons have a higher carcinogenic
potency, compared with gamma rays. When RBE is multiplied
by Kerma expresses the absorbed dose of gamma rays
having the same biological effect.