“If that naive Earth Priest ever realizes what the parrot is really like, the man’s sky will no longer be blue, and he will no longer view life as beautiful….” Meng Hao thought about what that scene might look like, and then felt somewhat sorry for the Earth Priest. Finally, he turned and made his way back to his courtyard.
Two days passed. On evening of the second day, the Earth Priest returned. He looked somewhat distracted, and his face was pale as if he had been the subject of a vicious attack. After returning, he went directly into secluded meditation.
During the two days, Meng Hao found that whenever he went out, the Crow Scout Tribe members that caught sight of him looked at him with awe. Sometimes it even bordered on fear, as if they feared offending him, and didn’t dare to approach him. As soon as they saw him, sweat would break out on their foreheads and they would hurry off in the opposite direction.
At long last, the wickedness of the parrot was having an effect on Meng Hao. It didn’t take long before the entire Crow Scout Tribe knew about the events regarding Grandmaster Meng’s wicked neo-demon. The news rapidly began to spread to the other four Tribes.