This sword is presented symbolically to you by Archangel Michael as a call for definitive action. Presently you are emotionally entrenched in a situation or relationship in which you are heavily invested. There is pressure building from factors known or unknown and vital information is possibly being withheld. The emotional energy surrounding this is causing your perception to be clouded.Presently you"can't see the forest for the trees!" Archangel Michael advises you to consider seeking advice from a third person such as a close friend, family member or confidant whom you trust. You are also advised to heed the advice or an opinion that may have been given to you by a third party recently. Trust that the Angels have sent or will send this person to view the bigger picture of Tour present cituotion Thei . of your present situation. Their comments have or will come from a place of love and should be considered as such even if it's not what you want to hear.