The Suan Chitralada Dairy Farm can be considered the
starting point of the semi-commercial type of the Royal
Chitralada Projects. Upon receiving a gift of a few heads
of cows and bulls, in 1962, His Majesty the King donated
an amount of his personal funds towards the construction
of the Suan Chitralada Dairy Farm for the purposes of
conducting research on disseminating dairy farming
techniques and promoting milk consumption in Thailand.
Most of the cows fed here are Holstein-Friesian strain. The number of cows
is limited at about 40-50 cows for the best care. Half of those are milking
cows. Baby bulls and old cows will be distributed for education to those who
are interested.
Milking processes are undertaken twice a day; in the early morning and late
afternoon. To prepare for milking, the milking cows will be cleaned and go to
the milking stand. Their breasts will be cleaned with cleansing solution. A
semi-automatic milking machine is used for milking. Raw milk obtained is
sent to the Milk Collection Centre to be produced as pasteurised milk.