You are going on a Long Journey
Who will you bring with you?
You give someone a potion that compels him to action.
What does he do and become?
I think I want to fix you
Which of the following describes you?
You are better than others in one way.
In which regard are you better?
There is civil unrest in your country.
How will you handle this situation?
Fellow followers, what action do you believe
should not be done at all.
What traits do you want in your lover.
What signifies Victory?
Regardless of who it is, there is
darkness in the hearts of man
What is the darkness in your Heart?
The Hermit wishes to grant you Knowledge
What do you wish him to teach you?
You stand at the end of a Hard Fought Battle
Why have your forces lost?
What is the best way to unify people
of different faiths and backgrounds.
You stand poised to take the life of another.
Why do you attempt this Dire Act?
You are going to get caught up into a relationship.
What kind of relationship is it?
Because you didn't think your plan through,
you know you are going to lose something
What did you lose?
The devil has done your bidding,
however you have become cursed.
What is your curse?
A fire engulfs your home
Whom do you save from the flames?
You see a shooting star flying in the night sky.
What do you wish for?
You became involved romantically
with the lover of your friend or family member.
How would you get out of this situation?
You have fought a tough battle to the end.
You were victorious!!
Who or what do you thank for your Victory?
The man who stands before you is guilty of
Killing a beloved family member.
What will you do to him.
What is God to You?