We hunted total 21 goblins from that cave. I only defeated three goblins. I don't have any injury unlike before, but my sword didn't quite reach the target, so it took time to beat them. I want to become skillful like Kena and the others fast.
"What's wrong, Kon."
"Un, something is glittering on the mountain over there."
Gadi sharply noticed me who had stopped moving involuntarily from the light on the mountain. There's no more light from the place I point my finger at.
"It really glittered."
"Ah, you did well to find it. That's probably a reflection of the sunlight from a speartip."
"Is it other magic hunters? We had told the boss that we were going to attack on this mountain, and there shouldn't have been anyone that came here for 2-3 days."
"Maybe some people are chasing goblins from the opposite side of the mountain?"
It'll be bad if we scramble for monsters from other magic hunter group. If it's Gouts group, they will surround us and take the magic cores that we have gotten just now.
"The one beyond that mountain is the twin mountain. There is no magic hunter who will recklessly go the mountain where the Hydra appears. If there were people with such backbones, they would have gone to the labyrinth city to become explorers long ago.
If I'm not mistaken, hydra is a legendary monster that appears in old tale, or against heroes and the knights.
However, that means, who was there?
"Who is it?"
Kena points her spear tip to a bushes.
"It's me, me. Don't shoot the arrow."
A big rabbitkin man with one eye, along with five beastmen from various races.
"What, it's just Orudo huh. Aren't you guys going to the mountain on the north?"
"Yeah, that was the objective, but...."
Kena presses Orudo who's hesitating to say it. Kena is arrogant like always.
"Katabane said that there was a strange group on the twin mountain, so he surveyed it, but apparently, that strange group is heading to Puta town. These guys have families there, so we decide to go back at once."
Hee, beastmen think of their families after all.
"Oy, you sure 'bout it?"
"Yeah, there's no mistake."
"Oy oy, stop them."
Katabane, who is a flightless birdkin with feathers only on one of his side, points at the glittering place from earlier, and utters something to his companions.
"You guys, I'm talking with Kena here. Save the racket for later."
"Boss. It's not about that. Katabane said that there was a hydra among that group."
"Haa? Is that group running from a hydra or something?"
"Kena, that's not it. No one can get away from a hydra in the mountain."
Err, please talk more clearly.
I look around for someone that can teach me about it. My eyes meet Pomi's. Unfortunately, Pomi doesn't seem to know about it too.
"In other words, that huh. Some people who keep a hydra like some pet are heading toward Puta town."
"Seems to be it."
"Eeh! That's terrible."
I finally understand Orudo's talk. Even though I'm just surprised for a bit, Gadi hits my head. Fufuhn, it doesn't hurt thanks to the helmet from noble-sama. As if she's heard that words in my mind, Gadi pinch my mouth on both side from behind and pull it.