Almost all those interrogated declared that they had known Menocchio for a long time, some for thirty or forty years, some for twenty-five, some for twenty.
One Daniele Fasseta said that he knew him from childhood because we were in the same parish.
Apparently, some of Menocchio's assertions went back not just a few days but "many years, as much as thirty years before.
in all that time no one in the village had denounced him, yet his talk was known to everyone: people repeated it perhaps out of curiosity perhaps shaking their heads.
In the testimony gathered by the vicar general one doesn't discern real hostility toward menocchio, at most disapproval.
True,some of the testimony came from his relative, for example, Francesco Fasseta or Bartolomeo d'Andrea, his wife's cousin who called him an honorable man.
But even Giuliano stefanut who had stood up to Menocchio and had declared himself ready to "die for the faith" added i like him very much.
This miller who had been mayor of the village and administrator of the parish church certainly wasn't living on the fringes of the community of Montereale.
Many years later at the time of the second trial a witness asserted, I see him having dealings with many and i think he is everybody's friend.
And yet at a certain point someone had denounced him, a denunciation that paved the way for the inquest.
7Almost all those interrogated declared that they had known Menocchio for a long time, some for thirty or forty years, some for twenty-five, some for twenty.One Daniele Fasseta said that he knew him from childhood because we were in the same parish.Apparently, some of Menocchio's assertions went back not just a few days but "many years, as much as thirty years before.in all that time no one in the village had denounced him, yet his talk was known to everyone: people repeated it perhaps out of curiosity perhaps shaking their heads.In the testimony gathered by the vicar general one doesn't discern real hostility toward menocchio, at most disapproval.True,some of the testimony came from his relative, for example, Francesco Fasseta or Bartolomeo d'Andrea, his wife's cousin who called him an honorable man.But even Giuliano stefanut who had stood up to Menocchio and had declared himself ready to "die for the faith" added i like him very much.This miller who had been mayor of the village and administrator of the parish church certainly wasn't living on the fringes of the community of Montereale.Many years later at the time of the second trial a witness asserted, I see him having dealings with many and i think he is everybody's friend.And yet at a certain point someone had denounced him, a denunciation that paved the way for the inquest.
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