第112章 得手上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 老頭看了眼樓下樓上激動得略顯不耐煩的氣息,清了清嗓子說道︰“這是一枚血蒼狼幼蛋,由于它的價值比較高 การแปล - 第112章 得手上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 老頭看了眼樓下樓上激動得略顯不耐煩的氣息,清了清嗓子說道︰“這是一枚血蒼狼幼蛋,由于它的價值比較高 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第112章 得手上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 老頭看了眼樓下樓上激動得略顯

第112章 得手
上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁













































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
112th chapter successPrevious page back next page Old man saw an eye downstairs upstairs slightly impatient breath with excitement, cleared his throat and said: "this is a young blood Wolf egg, due to its high value, so equivalent exchange auction will determine, as long as you can come up with something equivalent, then seven auctions to assess, then this Wolf young egg belongs to him. ” A criminologist, all in an uproar. Didn't thought this gold eight order young egg was cannot with gold to measure, visible they has see not Shang gold, but also no wonder, some things after all not rich on can buy not to, and if for for is they, probably also will and they as made also of decided, II floor of soar also didn't thought, district a gold eight order demon beast egg was to for equivalent exchange, but wants to wants to will not think accident has, in here, eight order demon beast egg does is rare. Think about it, peak Flash of naked eyes could not help but while looking You Xiaomo past, as no gold coin measure, that would save him anymore. "Little brother, you want that young eggs? ” You Xiaomo is more focused, he heard the Tower's voice sounded behind, a little surprised, "blood Wolf? But the old man said to equal exchange, no baby can I Exchange with him. ” "Who says you're not. "Soar to look across his face, mouth hooks," ichor of the auction just you forget it? That thing is useless to you, but Dan teacher and practitioner is equivalent to cure, and it is impossible. ” You Xiaomo hesitated, suddenly eyes light up, "Ling Shi Xiong, that we want to take as much as spirit drops Exchange with him? ” Peak a little thinking, "100 drops on the line. ” You Xiaomo subconscious of with gold measure has about, 100 drops is 10 million raise hue and, auction words even may 20 million, saliva ~ old man words just said finished didn't long, II floor VIP seats Bliss floor of Mu skylight will from seat Shang station has up, saw he light of see to auction Taiwan, sank sound said, "I out a gold top grade broken months Dan and a gold top grade Ziyun Dan. ” With this offer, and that all human beings are looked up at MU sky in the past, most people are surprised, because Dan is breaking five-bullet, taking the bullet can increase the border breakthrough month, stars border the strong probability, and there are no after-effects, so is the most valuable five-bullet. Ziyun Dan is preferable, because it is a six-stage a miraculous took the bullet can increase the strength of one to two stars, for example a stars border star strong, Ziyun, if taken, will have the opportunity to be upgraded for Star border two star or Samsung, the only drawback is that higher levels took Dan to upgrade the strength of the strong effect of the worse. MU sky shots, others do not show weakness. Unfettered door of wood away out of is a this Yu fire tactic, Yu fire tactic is in the order top grade work method, can control flame on others for attack, flame of grade more high, attack on more powerful, and if can while has variety flame, also can formed flame array, is a power powerful of attack zhenfa, if to eight order young egg, unfettered door is not put this this work method took out of. Of course, the happy especially with controlling the fire tactic in Exchange, because they knew fine jade city, Duke is a control of the strong, he is very strong, but but the lack of a good method. With wood away of shots, blood evil cases of representative also station has up, he only out a gold panacea, but on the value, is than Mu skylight of panacea to high have more, panacea of effect and broken months Dan is as of, but he broken of not months border, but star border, and panacea also no side effects, even in breakthrough of when can directly consolidation realm, but breakthrough of chances is than broken months Dan to low. And admires the panacea of the skylight and wooden remote control fire, the bullet apparently is worth, because once the breakthrough was a e-border powerhouse, also thanks to the blood out. MU-sky and muyao facial expression change, look immediately cooled down. At this point, a building of that name has been seen as a dark horse after blood, the man in black stood up too, so the people's focus fell on him, brother speculated the dark horse in the end will give you the kind of surprise. "Grass can trade? ” Auction on the old one, then shook his head, "I'm sorry, we don't accept the grass. ” The man in black suddenly stopped talking, do not really know what is disappointing was dismissing directly take a back seat, apparently does not intend to compete with them. Then, apart from the three big ones, there are many forces covet the eight steps beasts and eggs, have opened their own can get you anything baby, for a time, using bullet baby after another. Old man waited for a while, and see no one price and consulting other people turned around and was about to walk into the background, and VIP seating on the second floor suddenly stood a man, men are appearing all over a unit of nobility, was quite impressed with you, because he is the peak, is are You Xiaomo to hurry up. Soar to gentle laughs, "I do not know 100 spirit drops can win this thing? ” His words immediately like in a calm Lake dropped a stone, directly in the auction caused a surprised voice of Wow, and wave after wave, a lot of people think of just auction off 88 dripping ichor, the man suddenly took out 100 spirit drops by, before liquid is from the spirit of his hands? Although no one to give them answers, but man so generous, the answer is self-evident. Across the wood away after a stunned eyes instant broke into a bright light, see soar to look all the more fiery, it's Vista. Hear spirit 100 drops of liquid, old man body shakes and soon emerged a touch difficult to hide in the eyes of the Rapture, in fact, interest in their city to the spirit of the Lord-liquid is not less than one eight steps beasts egg, but that thing is auction, seven auctions if interested, nor to this self-destructive signs, and finally have no choice but to give up. However unexpected, Ling ling liquid, liquid sellers who still have, but a shot is 100 drops, given its value, the old man made a decision without thinking. "If no one bids, the old man will announce the winners of the eight steps beasts egg. "The old man looked around the presence of the crowd, as if to keep everyone in suspense, paused, smiling immediately said," this auction, eight steps of beasts and eggs final winner is ... ... Tenth, the VIP. ” Word gets out, the auction room atmosphere was drifting down, all people are looking toward the second floor of the Tower, lying on the Rails You Xiaomo naturally by everyone to ignore the past. Peak light hook under the corners of the mouth, then sat back in place. Seven stars auction house auction is held every three years, exceeded all expectations in the end, happy three major forces were pressed down by two black horses, and finally two baby, even one without this big a surprise, is off the hook three forces was unexpected. Noisy venue, after the old man announced winner of beasts and eggs, have been flooded with a surge of pent-up momentum, many forces eyes cold and smooth look to the man in black and peak, chill of repression in the eyes of awe-inspiring, although things were they took away, but some people are still reluctant to give up what in the eyes of the poor seems to have in mind. Soar was like before her, has been hanging a seems to smile on her lips smiled. You Xiaomo slow, didn't realize from the strange atmosphere of photographed still immersed in the joy of beasts that egg, pulled soar to clothes, "Ling Shi Xiong, when are we going to take? ” Soar to nu-nu-Chin, motioned him to preside over the auction of the old look. 游小默轉身一瞧,那老頭已經讓人將妖獸蛋拿下去,掛著一臉喜悅的笑容,又重新面對著眾人,笑吟吟的說道,“諸位,本城三年一度的拍賣會到這里就結束了,感謝各位來參加此次拍賣會,接下來拍到寶貝的諸位貴客,可隨意尋個時間到我們後台來取東西。” 語罷,老頭便離開了拍賣台,一樓硬座和二樓貴賓席的人也紛紛起身,陸續離開了拍賣會場,那名黑袍人卻不知何時離開了,不過貴賓席那些大勢力似乎一點也不著急,想必早已派人注意他。 凌霄起身對游小默說道,“小師弟,我們走。” 游小默立刻屁顛屁顛的跟了上去,他還不知道,等他出了琿極城,將有一大群人想搶他的妖獸蛋,卻不知,在他眼里,一枚妖獸蛋還沒有那些金幣重要。 和其他人不一樣,凌霄和游小默是立刻過去拿屬于他們的拍賣物品。 那名老頭早在後台等著,看到他們過來,立刻表現出極大的熱情,寒暄幾句後,便讓人將他們拍賣所得的東西都搬出來,金冥鼎和裝著八階妖獸蛋的玉盒子,還有一千九百萬金幣,不過扣掉百分之五的手續費,只剩下一千八百零五萬,被老頭裝在一個儲物袋里,連同儲物袋送給了游小默。 拿到東西後,凌霄便帶著游小默回到七星樓。 他們一回來,有人立刻收到了消息。。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 112 succeeded
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glanced at the old man upstairs downstairs excited slightly impatient breath, cleared his throat and said ︰ "This is the blood of an immature egg Wolf, because of its value relatively high, so the auction decided to equivalent exchange, as long as the equivalent of you can come up with something, and then assess via seven auctions, then Wolf immature eggs While this is part of his. " This statement came out, people are in an uproar . While I did not expect eight bands Immature eggs can not even be measured in gold, they have seen despise gold, but it is no wonder, after all, some things money can not buy, and if the change for them, and will probably as they make the same decision, on the second floor of the Peak did not expect, a mere eight一枚order Wicked egg actually to be equivalent to the exchange, but think they will not be surprised, and here, indeed eight bands Wicked egg very rare. Think of it, the eyes could not help but flash of naked Peak, and toward the small silent tour to see the past, since no gold measure it, that would save his effortless. "Little brother, you want it or not egg immature egg?" Little Mo tour to see the positive focus, they heard a voice behind Peak sounded a little bit surprised, "Blood Wolf? But the old man said to be equivalent to the exchange ah , I have no baby can change him. " " Who says you do not. "Peak staring across his face, mouth a hook," you forgot just auction spiritual solution? that thing though useless for you but Dan is equivalent to division and practitioners panacea, it is impossible not heart. " little Mo tour froze a moment, suddenly a bright eye Chu," Ling brothers, how many drops of spirit that we bring liquid exchange with him? " Peak slightly the thinking, "One hundred and drop on the line." little Mo subconscious tour with a bit of gold coins weigh one hundred ten million drop is na, then the auction may even twenty million, saliva - the old man, then just finished not long, on the second floor VIP seats bliss on the floor of the sky begins Mu seat stood up, he saw a faint look, Chen Sheng said the auction platform, "May I break out一枚top grade top grade一枚Ziyun Dan and Dan." with this quote sound track All Mu everyone looked toward the sky looked in the past, most people are more surprised, because Dan is the five-month break panacea, panacea taking this month to increase the breakthrough territory, became the strong probability star territory, and no sequelae disease, so in five silver bullets are the most valuable. As Ziyun Dan is more valuable because it is a six panacea, taking the panacea to increase the strength of one to two stars, say a star a star throughout the strong, if taking Ziyun Dan, have the opportunity to be promoted to Habitat or Samsung Star Award, the only drawback is that the higher the level of the strong rise in the strength of taking this effect Dante worse. Mu sky a shot, other people would not do it a sign of weakness. Happy wooden doors away out of the fire is a tactic Yu, Yu-fire tactic is in the order of top grade power law, the flame can be manipulated others to attack, the higher the level of the flame, the more powerful the attack, and if at the same time with a variety of flame also form the flame front, but also a powerful attack power matrix method, if it is to order eight immature eggs, Happy door is not put out of the exercises to come. Of course, ignoring the door deliberately interchange Yu fire tactics, because they know very Hui city of Santo is a strong fire control, his strength is very strong, but with the exception of the lack of a good power law. With the wood away from the shot, the representative of evil blood were also stood up, he was just out of一枚panacea, but on the value of a panacea than admire the sky is much higher, and the effect of breaking month panacea Dan the same, but he was not broken throughout the month, but the star territory, and silver bullets and no side effects, even when you can break through the consolidation of state directly, but the chances of a breakthrough than Dan month break lower. And Mu sky panacea and wood fire away Yu never one to Fengyun panacea obviously valuable, because once the breakthrough is a strong border Chen, also thanks to the blood of evil were willing to even out. Mu sky and wood away immediately face a change, then look down cold. Then, on the first floor that name has been widely regarded as the dark horse of the man in black following the evil blood were also stood up, so we focus falls on him, have speculated that the horse will give you another brother in the end what kind of surprise. "Lingcao can exchange it?" The old man on the auction block a moment, immediately shook his head, "Sorry, we do not accept the spirit of grass." The man in black suddenly no longer speak, see disappointment in the end is still not complain directly get back on the seat, apparently does not intend to compete with them. Subsequently, in addition to the three forces, there are many forces are coveted rocket eight bands Wicked eggs, have opened themselves to show for baby, for a time, a variety of exercises panacea baby after another. The old man waited for a while, no one will see the price tag, was about to turn into the background with people to discuss, on the second floor of the VIP seats suddenly stood a man, a man covered all trace of an elegance, giving the impression very deep, because he is the Peak, is being urged to run up small silent. Peak gentle laugh, "I do not know a hundred drops of spirit was able to win this thing?" He said, as if suddenly the calm lake dropped a stone, causing shock waves directly in the auction hall sound of uproar, and wave after wave, many think everyone had just auctioned off eighty-eight drops of liquid spirits, this man suddenly took out a hundred drops of spirit was, is before the spiritual solution is from his hand? Although no one gave them the answer, but the man is so generous, that the answer is self-evident. Opposite wood walk after hesitated, his eyes instantly broke out a bright light, looking more and more fiery eyes Peak, which is really vista. Heard a hundred drops of spirit was, the old man body startled, his eyes immediately emerge out of touch of ecstasy can not hide the fact that they are interested in Santo spiritual solution is not less than eight一枚order Wicked eggs, but unfortunately the thing is auction items, auction seven even interested, not to self-destruct sign this thing, and had no choice but to give up. But never thought, spiritual solution vendors who still has spiritual solution, and a shot is one hundred drops, in view of its value, the old man a no-brainer to make a decision. "Then if no one bids, then the old lady would announce While eight bands Wicked eggs winner." The old man looked around the presence of the crowd, as if to hang people appetite in general, paused, smiling immediately said, "This session of the auction, the final winner of eight bands Wicked egg is the 10th Mr. ...... VIP seats. " His words, the auction hall was instantly stagnate down, all everyone toward the second floor of the Peak to see the past, lying on the railing of a small tour was silent then naturally everyone to ignore the past. Peak faint hook under the mouth, and soon their seats. Seven auction triennial auction, eventually beyond all expectations, Happy gate three forces are actually two dark horse beat down, even a baby last two are not, the result of a large explosion upset is Happy door three forces are unexpected. Noisy venue, since the old man declared winner Wicked eggs, they have been filled with a pent-up momentum, many forces Hanmang eye lotion and the Peak to see the man in black, his eyes suppressed awe-inspiring chill, although things they were shot down, but some people are still reluctant to give up, the eyes of the poor seems to play a bad idea. Peak but did not feel like a remote control, a touch of mouth has been hung if it seems to smile smile. Tour Little Mo hindsight, not aware of the kind of atmosphere variability venue, now immersed in the eggs take egg Wicked joy, tugged Peak clothes, "Ling brothers, are we going to get something?" Peak efforts the efforts chin, motioned him toward the auctioneer will look past the old man. Tour Little Mo turned look, the old man has won egg Wicked people will go, his face wearing a smile of joy, again facing the crowd, smiling, said, "Gentlemen, this city triennial auction here on over, thanks to participate in the auction, then take guests of you baby, can easily find time to take things back to us. " language strike, the old man left the auction platform, first floor and second floor seat VIP seats also stood up, one after another left the auction hall, that name but do not know when to leave the man in black, but VIP seats big powers did not seem worried, presumably already sent notice him. Peak travel up to Little Mo said, "little brother, we go." Little Mo tour immediately Pidianpidian up, he did not know, and so he had a very Hunchun city, there will be a large group of people wanted to rob his evil egg , but I do not know, in his eyes, a Wicked those eggs are not important gold. And not like the others, Peak and Little Mo is immediate past trips to take items belonging to their auction. As early as the old man in the background that were waiting to see them over and showed great enthusiasm immediately after a few pleasantries, then let them move everything out of proceeds from the auction, the Ming Ding gold and filled with eight bands Wicked egg jade box, there are nineteen million gold coins, but minus five percent fee, only the next Senpachi 3.05 million, is the old man mounted on a storage bag, along with storage bag to send tour to the small silent. Get the stuff, so she took Peak Little Mo swim back to seven floors. They came back, someone received the message immediately. .

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
第 112 章 得手上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁老頭看了眼樓下樓上激動得略顯不耐煩的氣息, 清了清嗓子說道︰ "這是一枚血蒼狼幼蛋, 由于它的價值比較高, 所以拍賣會決定進行等價交換, 只要諸位能拿出等價的東西, 再經由七星拍賣場評估, 那麼這枚蒼狼幼蛋就是屬于他的".此言一出, 眾人皆嘩然.沒想到這枚八階幼蛋竟然不能用金幣來衡量, 可見他們已經看不上金幣, 不過也難怪, 有些東西畢竟不是有錢就能買不到, 而且如果換作是他們, 大概也會和他們一樣做出同樣的決定, 二樓的凌霄也沒想到, 區區一枚八階妖獸蛋竟然要進行等價交換, 不過想想便不覺得意外了, 在這里, 八階妖獸蛋的確很稀有.想到這, 凌霄眼中不由得閃過一絲精光, 同時朝游小默看過去, 既然不用金幣衡量的話, 那倒省得他費力氣了."小師弟, 你想不想要那枚幼蛋?"游小默正看得專注, 便听到凌霄的聲音在身後響起, 稍微詫異了一下 ", 血蒼狼? 可是那個老頭說要等價交換啊, 我又沒有寶貝可以跟他換"."誰說你沒有的". 凌霄目光掃過他的臉龐, 嘴角一勾 ", 你忘了剛剛拍賣的靈液嗎? 那東西雖然對你也無用, 但是對丹師和修煉者卻相當于靈丹妙藥, 不可能不心動".游小默愣了一下, 頓時眼楮一亮 ", 凌師兄, 那我們要拿多少滴靈液跟他交換?"凌霄略了思索 ", 一百滴就行".游小默下意識的用金幣衡量了一下, 一百滴就是一千萬吶, 拍賣的話甚至可能兩千萬, 口水~老頭的話剛說完沒多久, 二樓貴賓席極樂樓的慕雲天便從座椅上站了起來, 只見他淡淡的看向拍賣台, 沉聲說道 ", 我出一枚上品破月丹和一枚上品紫雲丹".隨著這道報價聲, 所有人皆抬頭朝慕雲天看了過去, 大多數人是比較驚訝的, 因為破月丹乃五級靈丹, 服用此靈丹可增加突破月境, 成為星境強者的機率, 而且沒有後遺癥, 所以在五級靈丹中是最具價值的.至于紫雲丹則更加難能可貴, 因為它是一枚六級靈丹, 服用此靈丹可增加一到兩星的實力, 比方說一個星境一星強者, 如果服用了紫雲丹, 便有機會提升為星境二星或三星, 唯一的缺點就是, 級別越高的強者服用此丹提升的實力效果就越差.慕雲天一出手, 其他人也不干示弱.逍遙門的木遙出的是一本馭火訣, 馭火訣乃中階上品功法, 可操控火焰對他人進行攻擊, 火焰的等級越高, 攻擊就越強大, 而且若能同時擁有多種火焰, 還可結成火焰陣, 也是一種威力強大的攻擊陣法, 若不是為了八階幼蛋, 逍遙門是不會把這本功法拿出來的.當然, 逍遙門特意用馭火訣交換, 是因為他們知道琿極城的城主是個控火的強者, 他的實力很強, 但是唯獨缺一本好的功法.隨著木遙的出手, 血煞宗的代表也站了起來, 他只出一枚靈丹, 但論價值, 卻比慕雲天的靈丹要高得多, 靈丹的效果和破月丹是一樣的, 但是他破的不是月境, 而是星境, 而且靈丹也沒有副作用, 甚至在突破的時候可以直接鞏固境界, 不過突破的機率卻比破月丹要低.和慕雲天的靈丹及木遙的馭火決一比, 這顆靈丹顯然要珍貴一些, 因為一旦突破, 就是一名辰境強者, 也虧得血煞宗竟然舍得拿出來.慕雲天和木遙當即臉色一變, 神情隨即冷了下來.這時, 一樓那名一直被眾人視為黑馬的黑袍人繼血煞宗之後也站了起來, 于是大家的焦點又落在他身上, 紛紛猜測這位黑馬兄到底又會給大家什麼樣的驚喜."靈草可以交換嗎?"拍賣台上的老頭一愣, 旋即搖搖頭 ", 抱歉, 我們不接受靈草".黑袍人頓時不再說話, 看不清到底是失望還是不以為意, 直接坐回了座椅, 顯然不打算跟他們競爭了.隨後, 除了三大勢力, 還有不少勢力也垂涎那枚八階妖獸蛋, 紛紛開出自己能拿得出手的寶貝, 一時間, 各種功法靈丹寶貝層出不窮.老頭又等了一會, 見沒有人再出價碼, 轉身正要走進後台與人商量, 二樓的貴賓席突然又站起一個人, 男人渾身上下皆透著一股高貴氣質, 給大家的印象很深刻, 因為他就是凌霄, 又是被游小默給催促起來的.凌霄溫文爾雅的笑道 ", 不知一百滴靈液能否拿下此物?"他的話, 頓時猶如在平靜的湖面扔下的一顆石子, 直接在拍賣會場引起一陣陣驚嘩之聲, 而且一浪接一浪, 很多人皆聯想到剛剛才拍賣出去八十八滴靈液, 這個人竟然一下子就拿出一百滴靈液, 難道之前的靈液就是出
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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