From the structure for comparison the ratio of skin, Kaffir lime, that affect the retardation fungi on bread. The objective is to study the ratio of the quantity of the component in the skin, Kaffir bread can be retardation best fungus. How the experiment as follows: Experiments brings the skin of the bergamot comes as a component of the bread. Bread making kits by series 5, with Kaffir lime per surface ratio of bread flour. As follows: 1 ratio 0:4, 2, 1:3 ratio, set the ratio 2:3, 2, 3:1, 4, 5 set the ratio 4:0 by leave of the fungus occurs, observe the results appear. As follows: 1 the ratio 12: fungal ancestry born in 4 days 7 series 2 bread ratio 1:3 start date of birth 8 fungal ancestry bread (set 3) ratio 2:2 starting the fungal ancestry date of birth 9 set 4 bread ratio 3:1 start date that occurs in the fungal ancestry 9 bread and the ratio 4:5 sets of 12 starts a fungal ancestry born in 11 days. Consequently, the optimal mixture in the retardation of the fungi is a series 5 bread that is the ratio of the surface of the Kaffir lime: bread flour to 4:0.
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