The Cronbach " was .86 in the original instrument and .89 for this study.
In addition to the MISSCARE Survey 2, participants completed a delegation questionnaire developed by the researchers, with face validity established by a panel of doctorally prepared experts. The RN delegation questionnaire asked the nurses to rate factors that contributed to successful delegation on a 5-point Likert scale (1 being very relevant to 5 being
irrelevant). Questions including the RN-NArelationship and communication and NA judgment, knowledge, confidence, and attitude were asked. The nurses were also asked to rate their perceived effectiveness in carrying out the delegation process: assessment and planning, communication, supervision, and evaluation, on a 5-point Likert scale (1 being very effective to 5 being ineffective). In addition, the nurses were asked questions regarding prehire and posthire delegation
education, comfort level with delegation, the number of NAs delegated to on a routine shift, and the value of a well-trained, experienced NA to them in their daily practice. Lastly, nurses were asked to rate their satisfactionwith both their current job,with the nursing profession, and intent to leave their current job at present or within the next 6 months.
The NA delegation questionnaire also asked them to identify factors that contributed to successful delegation, which included 10 items using the same Likert scale. Nursing assistants were asked to report the training they had received related to delegation and the number of RNs delegating to them per shift. Lastly, the NAs were also asked to rate
their satisfaction with their occupation and current job, along with their intent to leave their position at
present or within the next 6 months.
A unit characteristic form was developed by the researchers and administered to the 16 NMs. The data collected included basic information regarding the number of beds, skill mix by shift, number of patients assigned per shift to the NA, and number of RNs delegating per shift to the NA. The NMs were also queried about missed care, specifically if routine care had been reported to them, and the frequency with which missed care had been reported.