The language of customer service has become central to the New public Management.The National Performance Review, for example, had a goal of ''providing customer services equal to the best in business''Noting that government's customers often face long lines, busy signals, inadeqate information, and indifferent employees, the report urged ''entreprenerial'' federal agencies to assess the needs of customers, to set standards for the delivery of services. and to take those steps necessary to meet those standards. Similar language and approacher were taken at the state and local level, as governments and their agencies sought to ''reinvent'' theselves as customer-driven operations. in other countries, comparable efforts were undertaken, actually in many cases predeting the United states' afforts in this regard. The British ''citizen's Charter'' movement set minimum stendards of sevice,backed by ministerial authority, and in some cases even provided redress when those standards were not met. similar efforts were undertaken in other countries, including Australia, New Zealand, france, and Belgium.