Satou's here. False accusation is never missing in any society, but in a world that has social positions, they can unreasonably accuse you of crimes. In Japan, you can entrust it to the court and your lawyer, but in another world, being passive seems to be fatal.
Two guards dismount their horses and come toward us.
"Oy, come with us to the station."
"That person is still a noble even though he's like that. Come obediently. I'll let you try to appeal for your life at least."
Oy oy, you're going to treat someone who threw a fruit to another one, who was trying to do something that was like firing a gun, or rather an explosion inside the town, like a death row criminal. It looks like I'll have some bad time if I follow them obediently.
I take out the silver ID from my chest, and show it to the guards.
"T, this is, so you were a noble-sama! Just, how long have you been here."
"About several hours ago. Rather than that, I've never seen that noble even in the duchy capital, where is he from? I don't think even any honorary noble of Shiga kingdom will try to use magic attack in the middle of a town."
What a thing to say even if I do say so myself. For now, I'll warn them while speaking bossily. Putting honorary thing aside, he's pretty bad of a person for trying to use magic to burn citizens in a town.
I drive it further toward the guards who are hesitating to say anything.
"Is baronet Poton aware of this behavior? Depending on the situation, I may need to inform duke-sama and marquis Lloyd of this."
The guards are averting their gazes from me.
This must mean that the baronet is an accomplice, or rather he's authorized the acts.
I have a reason for cornering the guards here.
The baronet in question is coming here followed by several bodyguards. If I had let myself caught, I would need to physically suppress them and made the talk complicated.
"Oy, guards! That's the criminal who raised his hands against marquis Dasles. Arrest him quick."
The baronet who's just arrived orders the guards arrogantly, he's a plump 40s years old man who looks like an underling. He becomes disturbed and avoids my eyes when he just looks at me who's folding my arms calmly.
"Marquis Dasles? There shouldn't be a noble like that in our kingdom. A person who should have been protecting the town couldn't possibly not only overlook the atrocities of a foreign noble, but even aid him could he?"
I calmly approach the baronet who's closing and opening his mouth. Since I'm empty handed, the guards aren't doing anything.
I take out a letter from my bag and give it to the baronet. It's something that marquis Lloyd has written when I told him that I was going to Puta town.
Baronet Poton drops his line of view towards the letter while looking doubtful, but when he sees the sealing wax that's pressed with marquis Lloyd's house crest, his face becomes cramped. He opens the letter timidly, and reads it, then his face turns blue and he's fainted just like that.
There shouldn't be anything significant written in this letter, at most there's probably an instruction to accommodate me while I'm in this town. However, the fact that I'm an acquaintance of marquis Lloyd, and a close one at that, is probably conveyed with this letter. If I report his deeds here to marquis Lloyd, at best he's going to be stripped off his duty, although he probably won't be executed, but his peerage might be passed down to his child and be forced to retire.
Truly a fox that borrows the authority of a tiger!