One of the following 6 types -'Orion' * available types are 'cool' will. -' Normal demon stone (either one) x 3 " -intermediate skill doom stone (either one) -シルバースライム x 2 -'シルバースライム' -1000 GP
Any of the following six - "Orion" type available ※ will be "cool". · "× 3 (1 kind or any) usually the magic stone" "(any one), United Technology Manastone" · · "Silver Slime × 2" · "Silver Slime" , "1000GP"
Any one of the following six different types of "Orion" cool "」 ※ "Magic stone (usually at any one species) * 3 (1993), intermediate technical stone (any one )」 slime" silver "silver x 2 (1993 (1993) and" 1000 "GP slime