- iFunbox/iFile -
- Works on JB'Only -
- Any Item Becomes Gems (Read Notes for more info.) -
- Huge Amount of Any Item (Read Notes for more info.) -
1. Download the .deb file below
Click the button below
3. Install it
4. Respring/Reboot your iDevice
5. Go to settings and enable the hack
6. Go to the game and Enjoy!
1. Any Item Becomes Gems:
1. When using first hack when picking gold or getting EXP from battle you will get gems instead of that
2. DO NOT OVERUSE THIS HACK and also if you picking gold to turn it into gems make sure that you dont pick up more than 1000 for example the TrainingField Gives you 16,000 Gold when its full that means if you have the hack on you will get 16,000 Gems MAKE SURE YOU ONLY USE IT FOR SMALL AMOUNT NOT BIG AMOUNTS
3. Turn off hack after you are done picking up Gems
2. Huge Amount of Any Item:
1. This will give u around 600-800 Million for example if you pick up gold you will get that much amount of Gold (AFTER USING IT ONCE FOR GOLD DO NOT USE IT AGAIN)
2. If you battling you will get that much amount of EXP
3. This hack is best for EXP since the EXP has a cap so it doesnt matter if u keep getting that huge amount of exp every time u fight
4. If u turn off the hack and reopen the game the next time you level up will make the exp go down to 0 which puts it back to normal