Tabex was clinically tested on a large number of patients. Stoyanov S. and Yanachkova M. studied 70 volunteers with a long experience in smoking and found that 57% stopped smoking, in 31.4% the result was partial: reduction of the cigarettes smoked from 20-30 to 3-4 a day. The results were negative in about 11% of the patients, which is due to the premature abandoning of the therapeutic course: before the 3rd day of treatment - a period of time necessary to saturate the organism with cytisine. In a second group of 17 smokers with serious psychic diseases (schizophrenia, epilepsy and reactive psychosis), the administration of Tabex together with neuroleptics, antidepressants and insulin led 5 patients to stop smoking and induced significant decrease - in 7. Tabex does not interact unfavorably with the drugs received by the mentioned groups of patients.