the study shows normal size with diffuse iccreased and coarsen parenchymal echogenicity of the liver without focal lesion.No intrahepatic bile duct dilation is seen.
The gallbladder and spleen appear normal The pancreas be seen due to overlyng bowel gas.
The RT. Kidney is normal in size and echogenicity. There is no visuaiized Lt.kidney. Collapsed IVC is seen. The aorta is normal caliber.
There is a lobulated hypoechoic lesion nearby Lt. lower paraaortic and Lt. iliac vessels, size about 3.2x8.2cm.
No gross pelvic mass is detected. There is no ascites.
IMPRESSION: Fatty liver or liver parenchymal disease. Non visualized Lt.kidney.
A hypoechoic lesion at Lt. lower paraaortic region down to Lt. iliac vessels, DDx. Soft tissue mass, lymphadenopathy or ectompic with atrophic Lt. kidney.