Sorry that I never seen the GSE Employee Manual Book or any Employee announcement since I have been working in the company for 7.5 months as K.Duangkaew refer to for the section 4 Item 1.2.
In case of my sick leave I’m always send “LINE” to the boss for approve when need sick leave. As we know well in term of Thai Labor Regulation, Employee who needs to take sick leave. They can use their right 30 days / year without Medical Approval from a Doctor, please insert another section in Employee Manual Book yours, if GSE-HR need to see an evidence when employee take leave even 24 hours. Kindly announce to all staffs and share to them for any regulation implement and all regulations that staffs have a right to know.
My case will be your study for a future.
So I would like to take immediately effect from now to work as last working day in GSE.