Doyeon wanted to hide. Doyeon wanted to die. She never should've let Yoojung borrow her phone. Doyeon wanted to dig a hole in the ground and rot there, forever. Pinky, Chaeyeon's best friend made it worse.
Doyeon really wanted to die.
Jung Chaeyeon sent you a message.
Doyeon snorted. "My mind must be playing tricks on me." she thought. Then another message came.
Jung Chaeyeon sent you a message.
Doyeon's eyes grew wide. Was this for real? DID YOOJUNG HACKED CHAEYEON'S FACEBOOK OR WHAT?!
Doyeon opened the message and then her wish to die was immediately granted.
"Hi, Doyeon! :)"
"Here's my number XXX-XXX-0421.