Consumers also associate the depth of color
with the taste, though this is influenced by practical experiences. In general, fruits that are
bright red are also sweet. Some of the exceptions include sour cherries and red currants.
Brightly colored fruits also tend to possess the ideal texture. Flavor is also an important
component to the quality perception, and the degree of ripeness determines the level and
types of flavor components such as esters and terpenoids emitted from the fruit. Aroma is
derived from several types of compounds that include monoterpenes (as in lime, orange),
ester volatiles (ethyl, methyl butyrate in apple, isoamyl acetate in banana), simple organic
acids such as citric and malic acids (citrus fruits, apple), and small-chain aldehydes such as
hexenal and hexanal (cucumber). In fruits such as mango, pineapple, strawberry, and grape,
the ripening process is associated with the conversion of stored organic acids and starch into
sugars, and enhanced evolution of flavor components