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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
118th chapter all outPrevious page back next page It's horrible with even one glance. Spike's new master is not a rugged tough guy as they thought, on the contrary, his appearance is quite young, 98 years old, slightly handsome face, line cutting, however a pair according to encourage his facial features towards feminine, was more than a hint of feminine qualities. Knew they were going to get out of the wind, feminine men after receiving the news under the rush came over, just stopped them in the gate. Feminine male gaze directly over You Xiaomo devolved upon the Tower, then frowned eyebrow, this person could actually see through his practice, his face could not help but sank, would allow him to see through the strength of people, unless they fix for him, or taller than him, or that he has nothing to hide smell of things. Looking at his luxury clothes and accessories, feminine men prefer the latter, this man looks quite young, if he knows the stars over border practice, it's an absolute genius, but if it is a genius, and he could not hear. Thinking of this, feminine men more fix for sure he should be no more than a star, and soon the fear in your eyes, "ling's men dare to kill me day, you do have some guts, no wind today if you go out, where to put my face. ” "So what do you think? "You Xiaomo hard said, next time I encounter such a thing, he must pay a toll. "You weapons, coins, dynamometry, panacea to all come out, each leaving an arm and a leg, I consider you a horse. "Feminine men looked calm, but in a pair of dark eyes, exuding the cold chill. You Xiaomo not say a Word, the man was ruthless, don't say to someone else's money, should have their hands and feet, and be able to cook and eat ... ... Tower do not bother to argue with him, directly resorted to scare off the hook a couple of big momentum before, a moment, a stream of immensity a terrible momentum burst from his body surge, and effeminate men and a group of people spread out. Due to the positive, so feminine and men bear the brunt, compared to free several major forces in the blue Plains feel momentum is also terrifying to many, in this sense under the coercion of, feminine men, breathing a delay, immediately horrified found psychic powers won't urge inside of him, and also some faint in the Meridian circulation tying. This, this is the e-border the strong momentum, so a terrorist! Feminine men and feminine face suddenly seem a pale, he was only the fix for Samsung star borders, on the e-border strong man will die, and now he finally understood, the two men why not take the opportunity to get out of the wind, it is relying on, if he has such a fix for, nor should it be pursued at this point. At this moment, feminine men and has regretted it. "Now we need to put weapons, methods, and gold bullet and hands out? "You Xiaomo laughing a cry, then said slowly with a fake cough. "No, no, no ... ... Not needed, I deserve, is my hell, two ye let me go! "Feminine attitude of strong men and a modified, directly into a timid, frightened to beg for mercy and self-esteem in the face of life have to row to the back, behind him, worked under more than mediocrity. "Let you go or not, but ... ..." You Xiaomo looked at him smilingly said. "However, as long as you say it, I'll help you do it. "Feminine men quickly says, this may relate to his life, absolutely careless, he was afraid to die, or I wouldn't have hid in no wind to this town. You Xiaomo grinned, "put your arms, work method, gold coins, panacea and grass all out to me, so I would barely consider the cut you some slack. ” Feminine men "......" Soar to brows a pick, "no? ” Feminine male faces and white layers, long face said, "I make I......" Said strike, he will will hanging in waist between of storage real bags solutions has down, fibrillation trembling handed to You Xiaomo, heart is in drops blood, this but he collection has for decades years of baby, all property are in here has, now was took, he is poor a has, heart more regret, if early know will is such of results, he said what also not do so stupid of things. You Xiaomo cheerfully took his pockets, also without looking into the storage bag, and then said, "see you on the road on, today will cut you some slack, but remember not to do this kind of collecting the tolls or......" "Don't, I never dare to do......" His words not finished, feminine men immediately took over, once property sent out of him, and then a second, his name written upside down. "On the road! "You Xiaomo laughing eyes see, he didn't expect such a smart man. Feminine men and could not say, this sentence he said yesterday with gangs of other people, think of retribution on him today, really, was what upset coming! When one Bandit You Xiaomo to flip out, carrying a feminine male of storage bags and soar without wind was scheduled to leave town on the same day, about the evening, they arrived at another small town, town size much smaller than the wind-free, but the atmosphere is good, not killing the mood. Found two people was not high not low grade pub, and after supper, You Xiaomo sat cross-legged on the bed, soft storage bags out of the man, and then began counting his ' spoils '. Feminine male although surface looks only more than 20 age, but actually he of age and more than, after all he if really of is in more than 20 age will cultivation to star border, that absolute is a genius, such of genius impossible silently unknown, early was those door sent big forces to received has, also not was people came now, so he of actual age actually than appearance more old, at least also has bailaisui has. You Xiaomo everything outside of gold, will be poured out, rough counting, feminine boy bottom was more than 200,000 gold coins, though a bit less, but he was not at all to move the gold coins in his pockets, then began clearing the bed thing. Feminine male is a cultivation who, so storage real bags in of things weapons class of compared more, spirit grass basically didn't several strains, and are is low-level spirit grass, You Xiaomo in not waste, on to threw to he of space in, as panacea, is has several bottle, but number also not more, most is three level four level, only a gold is five level panacea, for months border fix for of strong only effective, wanted to in no wind town was soar a Palm took fly of men should is by this panacea to upgrade to months border fix for of. You Xiaomo that bullet out, get the nose sniffed, quality is not pure, impurities or quite a lot, is a low-grade miraculous was going away, suddenly soar, secretly looked at him, I saw him sitting over tea in the tea table, go under the eye pleasing and said, "brother Ling Shi, the bullet would you like? ” Peak looking over at him and smiled, "wanted to take the bullet sent to me? ” You Xiaomo tried bullet back storage pockets, "No ... ..." Actually, he does have something, mainly is the panacea he refined much of it into the Tower's stomach, so he was able to play up in the mind, with these things bullet instead. Inventory finished spirit grass panacea, You Xiaomo and will several volume work method scroll carrying has out, except a this is in the order things of work method, other of basic are is low order, these on he are useless, on put they bundle up to threw to space of corner in, now he basically without storage real bags, got what things will put to space in, because space compared security, storage real bags at any time will was stole was Rob, not security. Followed by a few beasts on the weapon and some fur and so on, whenever something practitioners involved, effeminate men and storage bag, when he packed all the stuff into space, finally something left on the bed. You Xiaomo watched the surprise pick of eyebrow, hand carrying it up, spread out, turned out to be a map of only one-fourth sheepskin, ... ... This is a treasure map? You Xiaomo eyes suddenly lit up and excitedly lying on the bed and carefully studied the map, depicted above is indeed the terrain, but only one-fourth, so he did not see a reason why. At the same time, heads suddenly covered with a layer of dark, light shines within the door to cover it up. You Xiaomo is looked up and saw peak, paused immediately parchment map to get in front of him, face plus excitement looking forward to, "said Ling Shi Xiong, look at this, isn't this like a treasure map? ” Soar noncommittal of took Sheepskin map, a see above are is criss-cross of terrain, readily on will Sheepskin map threw back he hand in, off has shoes bed, language with disdain of said, "this Zhang map obviously only one-fourth, you how on finds it is hid treasure figure, maybe just a Zhang General of topographic maps just, and on is hid treasure figure, you only a Zhang, left of three Zhang is you also wants to to find not? ” You Xiaomo pie pie, it is undeniable that he was right. In fact he is about, and not really to find the treasure map, but he also thought the idea a little wide of the mark, if it is really the treasure map, and is unlikely to fall to a hand. "Will travel tomorrow, sleep. "Peak hold his waist to hold him to his arms, and then quilt cover. Aunt was silent for a moment after You Xiaomo kicked the Cup a couple of times, and there's a scream "sleep sleep, do you take off my clothes ... ..." "Well, I like ... ... You're naked. Sleep. ” “……”
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 118 all pay out
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enlightened look surprised. Spike new main fact to help everyone not imagine the rough tough guy, on the contrary, he is quite a young Mo Yang, but looks like seventeen and eighteen, handsome little face, lines like sliced ​​general, however, but a pair of Dan Fengyan so that his features feminine bias, covered more than a hint of feminine qualities. Know that they have to leave town without wind, feminine male hands after receiving the news after hurriedly came over, they will just stopped at the gate. Feminine male gaze directly skip Tour Peak fall silent small body, then frowns, the man he should see through his cultivation, his face could not help but sink down, let him see through the strength of the people, unless the other party repair and like him, or higher than him, or what he is able to conceal body has breath something. Luxury clothing looked on him, feminine men prefer the latter idea, the appearance looks very young man, if he has more stars throughout the repair, it is absolutely a genius, but should be a genius, he could not hear Say. Think of this, men become increasingly feminine sure his cultivation should not exceed star territory, immediately put away in the eyes of fear, "I kill a heavenly Ling's men, you do have sort of courage, and today if you let the wind out of no town, where to put my face. " " what do you want? "you little Mo embarrassed, said, next time you encounter this kind of thing, he must pay tolls. "Put your body weapons, coins, power law, a panacea to all pay out, then each person leaving an arm and a leg, I would consider to put you on a horse." Feminine man looking very calm, but a pair of dark eyes Chu, the glowing but cold chill. Tour Little Mo to say a word, this person is really hard to not only the people's money that they even leave their hands, they can not cook and eat ...... Peak bother of talking with him, offering direct Happy scare before the door several major forces of momentum, moment, a surge of momentum磅礡terrible explosion gushing from his body, while a group of people spread toward the feminine male away. Because it is positive, so the brunt of male feminine than Happy door several major forces in plain blue felt awful lot of momentum but also, under the coercion of this stock momentum, feminine male breathing a lag, soon horrified to find that he the body can not be pushed not only spiritual power, but also in the meridians circulation also faintly galling. This, this clearly is strong momentum throughout Chen, even such a terrible! Feminine male whole feminine face suddenly become a pale, he had only the star throughout Samsung repair of Chen on the strong end of the road environment, and now he finally understood why the two men do not take the opportunity to leave town without wind, turned out to be by relying, if he had this repair, etc., do not have to be hunted down to this. At the moment, feminine man has repented. "Now we need the weapons, exercises, gold, silver bullets and hands called out?" You little silent giggle, then fake cough loudly said slowly. "No, no ...... do not need, I deserve to die, I was damn, seeking two Lord give me a break!" Feminine men and a strong change of attitude, like directly into useless, frightened mercy, self-esteem in the face of life has given discharged to go back, as thousand men behind him, more than his bad. "You do not let go is not possible, but ......" You Little Mo looked at him smiling, said. "But what, as long as you say it, I will help you to do." Feminine men quickly said, this may relate to his life, absolutely not sloppy, he was more afraid to die, otherwise it will not hide this small town windless to town. Tour Little Mo grinned, "Put your body weapons, exercises, gold, silver bullets and all Lingcao pay out to me, so I reluctantly let you consider a horse." Feminine men "......" Peak eyebrows a challenge "do not pay?" feminine male face with a layer of white, long face and said, "I pay my pay ......" When he finished, he put the bag hanging in the waist of the storage solution down, quivering handed swim little Mo, but my mind was in the blood, which he collected for decades, but baby, here are all the property, now taken away, he is a pauper, and my heart is more sorry if I knew this would be the result, he said, What it will not do such a stupid thing. Tour Little Mo in a good mood took his storage bags, without even looking into his storage bag, and then say, "For your sake so on the road, today put you on a horse, but remember Do not do it again after this arbitrarily tolls things, otherwise ...... " " quit, I will never have dared ...... " he would not finish, took the feminine male mouth immediately once his possessions are sent out, and then a second time, his name written on the reverse. "On the road!" Tour Little Mo Chu laughing eyes can not see, he did not think was so sensible person. Feminine male suffering not to say, these words yesterday he was with other gangs of people say, think of today retribution on him, really, really do not retribution was great! When a return to the bandits to swim Little Mo Lesi, feminine male Chuaizhuo storage bag and Peak same day as planned no wind left the town, about the evening, before they went to another small town, small towns than no wind is much smaller town, but the atmosphere is very good, not the kind of atmosphere Causing loss of lives. They are free to find a room grade is not high not low into the inn, after dinner, tour the small silent sitting cross-legged on the bed, the feminine man took out of the storage bag, and then began to count his 'booty'. Although seemingly feminine male in his twenties, but in fact more than his age and, after all, he genuinely was in his twenties then practice to star environment, it is absolutely a genius, a genius can not be so obscure , has long been the big martial large forces to close, it will not be to kill this point, so his actual age is actually older than the appearance, at least there are a hundred years old. Little Mo tour will everything but gold outside are poured out, a rough calculation, the net worth of all men and feminine even though two hundred thousand gold coins, though a bit small, but he bluntly gold will move to his storage bag, and then began clearing the bed stuff. A feminine male practitioners, so more things like weapons storage bag, Lingcao basically did several strains, and are lower spiritual grass, swim in a small silent not to waste, give him thrown into space, as panacea, does have a few bottles, but the number is not much, mostly three four, five and only one is a panacea for cultivation throughout the month of strong effective, presumably in town was no wind Peak palm shoot fly brawny should be the panacea to rely on this month raised to repair the territory. Little Mo rocket will travel panacea poured out, get under the nose sniffed, quality is not pure, but also a lot of impurities, is a low-grade panacea, going away, suddenly thought of Peak, secretly looking at him in the past and saw him sitting tea table tea, then please turn down eyeball said, "Ling brothers, these silver bullets do you want?" Peak towards him over here, smiled, "I would like to win products panacea sent? " little Mo Samsam will travel back storage bag panacea," no ...... " in fact, he does there is something there, mainly his panacea refining most of the stomach into the Peak, so he was playing this thought, think with these low-grade silver bullets instead. End inventory Lingcao panacea, travel Little Mo turn volumes exercises Reel carry out, in addition to an order is the top grade of the power law, the other are basically low-end, for he did not use these, put them tied up thrown to the corner of the space, and now he basically no storage bag, what will get into space, because space is relatively safe, storage bags at any stolen robbed and unsafe. Followed by a few weapons and some Wicked's fur and the like, whenever things are related to the practitioners, storage bag has a feminine man, when he put all the stuff packed to the space, and finally only a bed The remaining thing. Tour Little Mo looked something surprised raised an eyebrow, a hand carry it up, spread out a look, turned out to be only a quarter of the sheep map, is ...... This is a treasure map? Merton small tour Chu Eye of a bright, excitedly lying on the bed carefully studied the map, depicting the above is indeed the terrain, but only a quarter, so he could not see what they were. At this point, the head suddenly enveloped a layer of dark, light shining through the door to cover up. Mo looked up and saw a small tour Peak, paused immediately sheepskin map to get in front of him, plus a look a look of excitement, said, "Ling brothers, you see this, this is not like a treasure map?" Peak noncommittal access sheepskin over the map, to see above all criss-cross the terrain, it will be readily sheepskin map back into his hands, Tuo Lexie son to bed, said the words with disdain, "obviously only a quarter of this map, how you figuring it was a treasure map, maybe just an ordinary topographic map of it, even a treasure map Moreover, you have only one, the remaining three do not you want to go? " little Mo Pielepiezui tour, can not deny that he did right. In fact, he is, so I thought of it, but not really what you want to find a treasure map, but he also thought the idea a bit tricky, if it really is a treasure map, it is impossible to repair loose hand will fall a in. "Tomorrow have to hurry, to sleep." Peak Lanzhu his waist he will be in my arms, and a quilt Mongolia. Aunt cups silent silent after small tour kicked a few times, while screams sounded a "sleeping on the bed, do you take off my clothes ......" "Well, I like ...... you naked. Sleep." "... ... "

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