[00:58] Sylvia Leborski: If you want a land half price 3 times more prim, Come on Inworldz!
Same operation as SL but with lot of advantages ...
Import textures and sounds free
Free registration groups
More and more people join Inworldz!
land prices Example
512 m2 with 352 prims for L $ 100 per week.
1024 m2 with 703 prims for L $ 175 per week
2048 m2 with 1406 prims for L $ 325 per week
4096 m2 with 2812 prims for the $ 650 per week!
Camping bench for win up 500 L$ per hour !
Do not hesitate more and come to us a little visit!
Go to Inworldz.com and
search " Gourbiland Village " in research and visit our typical French village!
See you !