岳家城堡,家族新年擂台赛正式开始。 轮到岳阳出场时,岳家早就做过隆重的开场仪式,皇帝君无忧和家主岳海老人也先后简短地发表过讲话,各家族的代表 การแปล - 岳家城堡,家族新年擂台赛正式开始。 轮到岳阳出场时,岳家早就做过隆重的开场仪式,皇帝君无忧和家主岳海老人也先后简短地发表过讲话,各家族的代表 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

岳家城堡,家族新年擂台赛正式开始。 轮到岳阳出场时,岳家早就做过隆重的































































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
His wife's family Castle, family leitaisai new year officially begins. Yueyang's turn came out, his wife's family had already made the Grand opening ceremony, the Emperor you worry-free main Yue Hai and the old man were briefly published speech, symbolic congratulations were also made by the representatives of the family. Rough Tartar like students in Yueyang, let alone foreigners, is the grandfather of five and beautiful woman afraid of him cause trouble, opening opening ceremony out of big trouble, so I left him and Yue Bing two wait in the lounge. Yueyang students bored in bed, teasing in a dream that big lol. Yueyang woke up one night and then got up, the first round of the preliminary round have been played. Yue Bing is also out of the field, but she never played call of duty but guard, but according to Yueyang students taught her shameless tactics before, while the opponent is called war beasts rushed over and on one foot kick fly in each other's face. This mind raiding tactics, in addition to the interrupt call, will also allow the spirit beast bash, weaker warriors, immediately dizzy fans in the past. No use to call super-fast master, greedy for aggressive attack is very dangerous, but for newbies, this is absolutely true! So, Yue Bing girls easily win ... ... They do not scold her, instead called Yueyang, a shameless creature. Because Yue Bing didn't this sneak attack tricks over the years, she would use this year, it would have to be her being referred to as ' pervert shit ' brother taught her! New nickname is ' perverted shit ' of Yueyang students because a few days ago, madness, draw directly with the children of the alien on his abstention, with demonic pervert who battle? It's not, and it was dead! Five grandparents listen to human Yueyang this kid sleeping in the brain, are not sent to him. Takeyama they agree, Yueyang qualify directly subordinated to the war. Subordinated to the war, this time the draw, it's some coincidence, Grandpa took the draw of five, a small nine-Dake in the wind. Super genius showdown with the pervert shit, exactly what is the result? People were looking forward to it. JIU Yue, small wind, although over the years was only seven years old, but his contract amazing success rate of the Beast Wars, was less than half a year, is said to have compact eight powerful beasts, it is one of the four denominations in nanling Ethereal is currently focusing on cultivating objects. Chena is a veritable little days less, while students in Yueyang, precisely ... ... The Yueyang students through replacement cups before men, is a real waste. But for Yueyang crossing cups to replace the male, estimated Cup men practicing the skills of the Decade, cannot win mountain wind. Yueyang came out and found his wife's family Castle Square is great, estimates larger than football fields, surrounding full of his wife's family members. Some different clothing and ethnic Yue Jia in the East, appears to be from a tiny wind, snow and inflammatory. Due the high seat, in addition to old Yue Hai, Takeyama, Yue Ling, and more powerful, but the most noticeable, is a God looking handsome, eye clear foot, charming middle-aged man like a frail scholar. This person wearing a White Knight costume, wearing a jade headband, despite the smile on his face, but pitchers among the cast are dull the momentum with the kind of anger and power. Yueyang guess this guy is the Great Emperor of Xia Guo you worry-free, surface, he looks like a more than 40 year old noble swordsman, in fact, worry-free Grand is 180 years old, was Bactria State famous for the strong, the strength is a seven-step ' King '! Sitting on his right hand, Yue Hai is old. Yue Hai old age only a few years older than you worry-free, but after many years, body excessive overdraft, now old, grizzled, old play. Standing behind you worry-free, Hu Yan Douyin stood a whole body including face General giant in Golden battle armor. Bodies such as cattle, powerful Tiger. This man was the guards leading, with ' bones ' the title of lunacy! Sat June worries left snow's two representatives, both age and Takeyama, estimated snow's two generations such as the master of the House, Yueyang was through men, don't know who they are. Come, sit Takeyama macho like a flame and a red, the fire-clad hunk and inflammatory and broken army of appearance is similar, just more mature, more powerful. Yueyang estimates that this guy is inflammatory and broken army of Dad. Again the first few rows are three direct disciples, Yueyang students found the ice man snow greed the Wolf came, cold stare yourself. Burning broken army and seven killed but didn't come inside in Yueyang relief the most is, the Swordsman yujie didn't come. Yueyang is currently the most headaches is with swordsmen yujie, well disguised gifts now has upgraded the ... ... Don't know has upgraded talent for disguise, could fool the Swordsman yujie? Yueyang knows he wants to hide, hide, until then you can flirt with her, driving her crazy! "Good, good! ” "Small is the best! ” Chena appeared in the farm, too small is like him, and immediately stir the audience, especially maternal love is overrun with women the most crazy, almost everyone cheered. He slowly took to the ring of Yueyang politely bow bow, however, respectfully, but rather it is proud: "the third brother, please don't hesitate to show small nine sons, master and father, small thank you mistress brother transfer of panacea. ” Ling Kai Chi Dan, said although he did not say beast I still eat good, you are recognized as a waste, eating any more it is wasted! Chena hand summons book. The audience cheered his summons book is a silver-level, and this, I was a little surprised by Yueyang. However, he smiled. Chena genius, it is impossible to like herself with strength, rise to the bronze collection Silver collection, on a four-year college Yue Bing still advanced bronze collection, and he just contracts soon, there will be a collection of silver, how is it possible? The only reasonable explanation, nanling Ethereal, is for someone to challenge Yue wind every day, and then let the chena calls battle beast beat, will fight points to brush up. This eager for quick success and of practices for repair practice rises no any role, but, nanling Ethereal cases and second are eager to put chena this genius children holding out, eager to to world promote he of excellent, to can let chena in family new year contest in the big limelight, sent people to chena brush Xia fighting points, accelerated upgrade Xia collection and grade such of thing, inevitably will has...... Like this, every big family have done a lot. Initially, the major failure of the family to find voluntary Warrior, brush up promising junior battle points, have a certain position, then let them experience. Has a silver treasure from the outset so early will very big advantages. Only downside, brush out of the points, not real, in the book get gift of ancient laws tend to be poor when you upgrade, or even nothing. Of course, like students in Yueyang, collection upgrading hundred ancient laws gave people, he is the only one in the world. All during the upgrade when you book the book contract, are likely to get nothing, most people are getting a blank page, or get a little battle beasts, people want the most divine, is to raise the rank of the beast. Most desire in the eyes of the contract award, is fighting the beast go order, such as normal into the Bronze level. Like the students in Yueyang, which, ancient laws life-guard battle beast when you upgrade some skills such as gourmet of God, it is estimated that others get a will be so happy that she cried for three days and three nights also tears ... ... "Whoa, you see, the call of the master collection is the silver book, genius, he is a rare talent! ” “九少爷,加油!” 场中观战的人们掌声啪啪响。 他们除了给岳风加油,还间杂无数有咒骂,常有‘杀了那个废柴’、‘废柴不死,难泄我心头大恨’等言语。 前几天岳阳同学砍了不少岳家护卫和旁系弟子,估计漫骂的人,都是那些人的家属或者朋友。 岳阳同学上场,他连灰太狼也不能带。 理由是没有契约的战兽,不能带到擂台上,幸好这个规定几百年前就有,否则岳冰小姑娘又要发飚了。岳家祖宗是怕没有契约战兽容易失控,兄弟相争时,会失手误杀亲人,所以禁止。对于这一点,岳阳同学只是笑笑,觉得无所谓,既然自己要虐人,就亲手虐,又何需灰太狼呢? 穿越男一脚把想跟着上擂台的灰太狼踹下去,再把月刃抽出来,冲满是信心的岳风打了个呵欠:“小九,你也知道,小三哥哥是个废柴,希望你手下留情,欺负就算了,但多少也给条活路我这个废柴走走吧?” 无数人用仇视的目光瞪着他,恨不得像邪眼那样在眼睛发出射线,秒杀这个无耻的家伙。 岳风表面连称不敢,心里却很镇定。 因为有护罩,他根本不怕岳阳手中的月刃,他以小手按在那本白银宝典上,全神贯注地召唤出好半天,召唤一个青铜三级的金纹战虎傀儡兽。 虽然是个天才儿童,但他修练的时候还是太短了。 对于岳风来说,召唤青铜三级金纹战虎,已经是极限中的极限…… 岳风整个人,就像抽干了气力,浑身大汗,扶着悬浮的白银宝典不停地喘息,过度透的召唤,让他筋疲力尽。 场下,掌声雷动。 以七岁的年龄就契约并召唤出青铜三级的金纹战虎傀儡兽,这实在是了不起的惊人之举! 别说普通人了,就连君无忧以及各家族的代表,也拍手赞叹。 岳风的父亲,二房的岳岭,满脸得色。 他就差没有在额头贴上一个写着‘我就是超级天才的父亲’的字条,而周围的人,也纷纷站起来,向他表示恭贺,奉承不绝。 至于南岭飘渺宗的三个代表,除了中间那个六级宗主级实力的老者一直闭目养神,保持老神在在的样子,另外两个五级大师实力的中年男子,都笑容满脸,对于周围人连连拱手。对于几个恭贺者的赞叹,他们两人的故作谦虚地笑道:“小九的确很努力,但修练时间尚短,暂时只能契约青铜级战兽,以后还需要好好努力。我们的计划是明年契约白银级战兽;再过五年,契约黄金级的战兽。我们南岭飘渺宗,对于小九的培养,肯定是不遗余力的!” “听听,还有白银级黄金级的战兽等着九少爷契约呢!” “果然不愧是四大宗派的飘渺宗啊!” “打,打死那个废柴!” "War on the Tiger, killed that shit! ” "Without that two-headed demon Wolf, I look at that shit dead, bite him, biting out his intestines! ” Yue Bing listened to the little girl, feeling extremely depressed, fire and fury. Her family was too eccentric, brother, five-level puppet mouse, small nine bronze three gold stripes Tiger ... ... This is too much! She absolutely do not believe that this is the father to the poor beast, definitely is a large two-bedroom to a deliberate mischief. So many puppets in animal, they give a two-iron ox puppet, so not so annoying, they gave my brother-level puppet mouse, and one is five! Seen bullying people, but never seen such a bully, but for brother live up to expectations, that this group of child illegal immigrants must still be in the dark laugh! Bronze of the came bounding up to three gold stripes Tiger coat out of fear the Yueyang's face. Held months edged up to. Quick as a Flash. Light such as a comet across the sky ... ... When the afterimage of light, still remains in people's eyes, bronze three gold stripes Tiger, all of a sudden a crash, was Yueyang cut flying to ten metres away. It fell heavily on the ring, mouth splash Sparks, electric current crackled, at first, it also struggled to climb up, but went crooked, like a drunk. "Bronze level gold line battle beasts, awesome, you scared me! "Students in Yueyang exaggeration to cry, one foot kick rickety Tiger puppet. Gold stripes Tiger whole huge body, collapsed. It fell to the ground, head, gave a muffled explosion of. Crystal eyes glow, fade less completely off. Everyone at points, and could hardly believe, bronze level gold line battle beasts, just finished? Students in Yueyang, handheld month edge, go step by step to the chena. With horror on his face after he came to lose guard front of chena, exposing the harmless smile: "nine, suck like small brother, you bully, bully me too badly, I'm crying Oh! ” He said chena immediately flattened by the mouth, tears rolling down. Full Court man glared at Yueyang, wanted immediately jumped on the ring, kill the nasty perverted shit. Chena's father, Yue Ling fist tightly, the anger in the eyes, almost burning ring of Yueyang! Yue Bing looked very excited she forget, at this time last year, their large two-bedroom children combined to bullied brother, those things still fresh, chena this kid, he is no brother throwing firecrackers, too? Or give him a lesson, he is arrogant and does not know to respect man! Get brushed a silver treasure what? Real power, can't always rely on external forces, only his hard work in practice, and that is the real road to climb the peak the strong! "Uhh Wow, this is not possible, my beast is three gold stripes Tiger bronze, you might not have to battle beast beat it? Skills are rubbish, combat techniques, is impossible to beat my gold stripes and tiger ... ... "chena as used to spoil a child had been wronged, cry, crying, asking in Yueyang. "A little bit like a chop-mountains and rivers are short, but it is not only a knife. The sea, you have three skills, really good, his father's kind of charm! "You worry-free see grin, he was Emperor of the great Xia Guo, is the only respected the skills of the emperor. Dragon city, as a whole, there are a lot of people called him an idiot King, if he is a seven-level ' fighter ', the strength of terror, it is estimated that each city had raised an army rebellion. "This kid bear, secret and not show over the years, was I wrong! "Yue Hai old man nodded silently. "......" Master of four family representatives, Yueyang combat techniques, her face is a bit heavy. They definitely do not want a second Yue Qiu appeared! Throughout the Dragon city, most suck his wife's family three fewer stand up today, he seems to have been practicing father Yue Qiu combat techniques, and quite a bit! Snow greedy Wolf was a little frown, Yueyang has such strength, that he was not surprised. Because in the counterattack when magic Yuan, after the General waste three against the devil, also took his team waste peer came back safe and sound ... ... Not only have the skills but he felt Yueyang so simple, only combat techniques, strong, it is difficult to kill General Magic's! There are many General Magic, only a war to kill the beast ... ... Such as the clouds of war the beast of death magic, General, there is no entity, combat techniques, at best, useless! This suck three little must have war beasts, but he did not reveal it! Corruption snow Wolf look very exciting, heart
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
His wife's family castle, the family started the New Year contest. Yueyang turn playing time, his wife's family would have done a grand opening ceremony, the emperor Jun Yue Haiyan elderly home owners worry and has also published a brief speech on behalf of the family also made ​​a symbolic congratulations. Yueyang students like this barbaric thorn, let alone outsiders, is the grandfather of five US women are afraid of him trouble on the opening of the opening ceremony ramming a big trouble, so he left his mountain of ice and two in the lounge waiting. Yueyang students bored asleep, take liberties with the dream that big Lolita. And other Yueyang wake sleep Zaipaqilai first round preliminaries have been fought. Yue also an ice field, but she did not call Bainianshuren war guard play, but according to Yueyang students before teaching her shameless tactics, rush in when the opponent is calling war beast, kick flying kick in the door on the other side of the face . This note raid tactics, in addition to interrupt the call, but also by war opponents spirit beast bite, weaker Warrior, will immediately lose the past. This move to summon the master did not use super-fast, Tangong aggressive attack is actually very dangerous, but for the novice, this is definitely a time-tested trick! So, Yue ice girl ...... easily to win the crowd not scold her, but rave Yueyang is a shameless guy. Because of this mountain of ice over the years did not attack tactics, this year she will use, it certainly is she that is commonly known as 'abnormal waste wood' brother taught her! Has a new nickname 'metamorphosis waste wood,' said the Yueyang students, because madness a few days ago, so the draw with his children on the alien directly abstained, those who battle with demonic metamorphosis ah? That is not learn, it is killed! Five grandfather listen servant say this kid was still sleeping Yueyang heartless, nor police dictated to him. Taiyuanshan They also agree that qualify directly Yueyang secondary game. Secondary battle, this time the draw, really some coincidence, took the ballot five grandfather, a pump pumping in a small nine mountain wind. Super little genius with abnormal waste wood duel, in the end what will be the result? And we were looking forward to. Nine small mountain wind, although over the years there were only seven years old, but the success rate of his contract battle beast amazing, less than six months, is said to contract eight strong war beast, now is one of the four sects Nanling misty The current focus on training targets were. Yue wind is definitely less a veritable small days, and Yueyang students, precisely ...... the Yueyang students through alternative cups before men, it is a real waste wood. Yueyang crossing over either to replace the cups male, estimated to practice ten cups male combat skills, but also win the mountain wind. Yueyang out and found his wife's family castle of the great Grand Place, it estimated larger than the football field, surrounded by densely filled with loyalty to the tribe. Some east and loyalty to the tribe of different clothing, appears to be the wind at home, snow family and inflammation of the children home. In the north the high seat, in addition to Yue Haiyan elderly, Yueshan, Yue Ling and so strong, the most striking is a handsome looks, head Kiyokami foot, just like a frail scholar handsome middle-aged man. This man was wearing a white dress warrior, head戴美玉hair bands, although with a smile on his face, but every move she makes between pitchers are faint with anger and prestige kinds momentum. Yueyang guess this guy is the big worry Xiaguo Huang Ti, if the surface looks, he looks like a forty-year-old aristocrat swordsman, in fact, the king has one hundred and eighty years old this year, worry-free, and is a large state-owned summer Name of the strong, the strength is in the order of seven 'King'! Sitting on his right hand, it is Yue Haiyan elderly. On Yue Haiyan elderly age of only a few years older than the king worry, but he fought for many years, excessive overdraft body, now very old, gray hair, old phase play. Standing behind the king worry, tiger stood a body including face Yan are hidden in the giant golden battle armor generals. Body such as cattle, momentum like a tiger. This man is the Guards command, has a 'million marrow' title of lunacy! Worry left sitting monarch is the representative of two of the snow, they are related to Yueshan similar age, estimated to be two of the generation of snow like the master of the house, Yueyang is through the male, I do not know who they are. Then come, sit Taiyuanshan and a flaming red as Adonis, the macho looks and inflammation breaking the military fire clothing is quite similar, but more mature, more capable. Yueyang is estimated that this guy is the father of inflammation breaking the military. And then the first few rows are three immediate disciples, Yueyang students found that the ice man snow greedy wolf came, this time is cold, staring himself. Yan breaking the military failed to wind Qisha, most Yueyang heart relieved that the swordsman royal sister did not come. Yueyang the most troublesome is the swordsman royal sister, okay now disguised talent has been upgraded over ...... I do not know already upgraded camouflage talent, you can not pull a fast swordsman royal sister do? Yueyang can not say that he wanted to fool, if the fool, when that they can take liberties with her, let her crazy! "Good, good! " " Little Nine is the best! " Yue appeared wind farm, is too small to look like him, immediately stir the audience, especially the flood of motherly women are most crazy, almost everyone applauded. He politely salute to bend slowly took the ring of Yueyang, however, although respectful speech, according to the foundation but not help a bit proud: "mini three brothers, a lot of guidance you nine small child, Master and father are so small nine Thank you Xiao San brother transfer panacea. " Although he did not say said Dan beast enlightening or I eat well, you are recognized as scrap wood, eat more and that is a waste! Yue wind hand, to summon Collection. The audience cheers, his call was actually Silver Collection, and this, really let Yueyang bit stunned. However, he then smile. Yue wind and then a genius, it is impossible to like herself with the strength to rise to Silver Collection Bronze Collection, on a four-year college mountain of ice just senior bronze canon, but he had just shortly contract, there is a silver book, how may? The only reasonable explanation is that every day someone Nanling misty cases challenging mountain air, and then let the mountain air with a call to defeat the beast of war, the battle integral brush up. This utilitarian approach for practitioners raised no effect, however, and two-bedroom Nanling misty cases are eager to put this mountain wind gifted children holding out the world eager to promote his excellent mountain wind in order to allow the family New Year Contest limelight, sent to fight brush Yue wind integration, accelerate the upgrade under canon and rank such things, inevitably there will be something like this ......, major family have done a lot. Initially, the major family will find voluntary failure of the Warrior, the promising younger integral brush up that fight, and so have a certain strength, let them come out of experience. Silver Collection outset owned, so the early advantage will be very large. The only drawback, brush out of points, not real, get ancient canon law at the time of the upgrade is often given relatively poor, there may even nothing at all. Of course, like Yueyang students of this ancient canon law have given a hundred percent to upgrade the people, the world is only he. All those who book contract when upgrading canon, are likely to get nothing, most people receive a blank page, or get a little battle with the beast, one of the most eager of the divine, is to enhance the battle beasts level. As for the contract award eager minds of most is war beast turn order, such as the general level turn into Bronze so. Yueyang students like this, when you upgrade ancient law gave life guard battle beast Need a skill such super divine estimate others get one, will be glad to get three days and nights crying tears Shoubu Zhu ...... "wah-wah, you Look, nine master's call Collection Silver Collection are already a genius ah, he really is a rare genius! " " nine young master, come on! " farm people spectators applause loud pops. In addition to mountain air refueling They also have a curse intermingled countless, often 'kill the scrap wood', 'waste wood die, it is difficult to vent my heart big hate' and other words. A few days ago Yueyang students cut a lot of loyalty to guard and collateral disciples, estimated abusive of people are those who have family members or friends. Yueyang students to play, he can not even Wolf belt. The reason is no contract beast of war, not to the ring, but fortunately a few hundred years ago this provision, otherwise the ice mountain girl hair Biao again. 岳家祖were afraid no contract battle beast is easy to control, when brothers fight, will be missed manslaughter loved ones, so prohibited. For this, Yueyang students just smiled, that does not matter, since they have to abuse people, to personally abuse, Wolf why should it? Through the male kicked like to follow the ring Wolf kick down, on edge and then taken out, washed over the mountain air of confidence yawned: "Little Nine, you know, Xiao San brother is a waste wood, I hope you men mercy, even the bully, but much also gave me a way out of this scrap wood around, right? " many people staring at him with hostile eyes, did not wait like the evil eye in the eyes emit rays, spike this shameless guy. Yue wind surface even dare say, and my heart is very calm. Because of the shroud, he is not afraid of Yueyang hands on edge, his small hand on that of the Silver Collection, engrossed call out the ages, to summon a three bronze gold grain war tiger puppet animals. Although it is a child prodigy, but he was too short a time practitioners. For mountain air, the call bronze three gold grain war tiger, is the limit of the limit ...... Yue wind the whole person, just drain the air force, covered in sweat, leaning suspension of silver Collection kept breathing, Excessive through the call, let him exhausted. Under Course, a round of applause. In the age of seven on the contract and call out three bronze gold grain war tiger puppet animals, which is really amazing surprise move! Let alone ordinary people, and even the king worry and representatives of the family, also clapping praise. Yue wind father, two-bedroom mountain ridge, face color yield. He sent did not affix a forehead that says 'I'm super genius father' of note, while people around, they have to stand up to him to congratulate, flatter without a break. As Nanling misty cases of Three Represents, in addition to the six metropolitan middle-class strength of the old man has eyes closed, to keep God in the old way, the other two five master strength of middle-aged man, his face all smiles, for hand around people again and again. For the few who praise congratulate both of them false modesty laughed: "Little Nine really hard, but practitioners a short time, temporary contracts only Bronze war beast, later also need to work hard for us. Silver plan is next year contract battle beast;.! another five years, Gold contract battle beast we Nanling misty cases, to cultivate a small nine, is certainly spare no effort " "Listen, there's Gold Silver war beast waiting nine young master contract it! " "really worthy of the four sects of misty cases ah! " " fight, killing the scrap wood! " " the war tiger ah, killed the scrap wood! " " No pair Molang head, I see that scrap wood dead, bite him, bite his intestines out! " the little girl heard the mountain of ice, and I feel extremely depressed, anger Hurricane. She felt too eccentric family, and to his brother, to the five-level puppet mouse, to a small nine bronze three gold grain war tiger ...... This is really too far! She absolutely does not believe this is a bad father pumped war beast, certainly they deliberately make trouble establishing another ward. In fact, so many family puppet animals, they just give the tractor a second puppet, then people will not be so angry, they did stage a puppet rat to his brother, and one to five is! Read bully people, but never seen such a bully people, but for my brother disappointing, that these villains is certainly still dark laughing! For rushed to the bronze three gold grain war tiger, Yueyang face put on a very frightened expression. Holding up high on edge. Fast as lightning. Light across the sky as Hui ...... When light blur, still remains in people's eyes, three bronze gold grain war tiger, suddenly roar was cut Yueyang fly ten meters away. It fell heavily to the ring, the mouth sparks Jijian current crackling start, it also struggled to get up, but go crooked, like a drunk in general. "Bronze three gold grain war beast, amazing ah, scared me!" Yueyang students exaggeration to cry, kick the rickety war tiger puppet kick down. Gold profile war tiger entire huge body, crashing to the ground. It ran straight down to the ground, inside the head, issued a burst of muffled explosions. Spar eyes red, gradually faded weakened, and finally completely extinguished. Everyone straight seen staggering, absolutely staggering, bronze three gold grain war beast, so finished? Yueyang students, handheld on edge, she keeps Yue wind went. He came to the mountain wind shield in front of his face after losing horror, harmless to humans and animals exposed smile: "Little Nine, three brothers such as small waste wood, even if you just bully, bullied me too much, but I Oh cry! " he said, Yue Fengli namely flat mouth, tears rolling down. The audience who glared at Yueyang, immediately jumped into the ring can not wait to make this hateful perversion of waste wood to kill. Yue Yue's father, Ridge wind tightly clenched fist head, heads of anger, just put the ring on Yueyang ashes! Yue Bing was very excited to see that she will not forget, in the last year this time, they ward two-bedroom sons also unite bully brother, remembers those things, Yue wind this kid, he does not also to her brother's body throw firecrackers it? Or give him a lesson, he bragging, do not know to respect people! Find someone to brush a silver Collection count? The real strength, never rely on external, only their hard work practitioners, and that is the real road to climb the peak of the strong! "Ooo, ooo, this is not possible, my battle beast bronze three gold grain war tiger, how could you not put it beat battle beast? Combat skills are rubbish, combat skills is impossible to beat my gold tiger pattern war ...... "Yue pet used to the wind like a child being wronged as burst into tears, crying asked Yueyang. "A bit like a cut Sunward missing, but not only is the knife was intended. Haige, your little three combat skills, really good, there is a fraction of the charm of his father!" Jun carefree grin see, he who Great Xiaguo Huang Di, the emperor was the only combat skills of the world respected. Entire Dragon continent, there are a lot of people call him an idiot emperor, as he was not a seven to 'Overlord', the strength of terror, it is estimated would have raised an army rebellion of each Santo. "This kid himself, and for many years not exposed secret I wrong horse!" Yue Haiyan elderly nodded silently. "......" Master on behalf of four families, Yueyang saw combat skills, his face a little dignified. They definitely do not want the appearance of a second Yueqiu! Three little loyalty to the entire Dragon continent most waste wood, stand today, he seems to have been in his father岳丘practitioners combat skills, but also quite a bit of heat! Snow Tanlang see a little frown, Yueyang has such strength, He was not surprised. Because in the counterattack deep magic, this waste wood three little magic in general after the war, but also with his fellow garbage that team came back safe and sound ...... but he felt Yueyang definitely not only have combat skills so simple, with only combat skills strong, it is difficult to kill General Magic! Some many magic generals, only to kill the beast by war ...... such as General Magic cloud battle beast of death, there is no entity, no matter how useless combat skills! The three little scrap wood, and certainly has the war beast, but he did not reveal it out! Snow Tanlang look very excited, heart

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The Yue family castle, New Year contest officially started.

turn Yueyang appearances, Yuegu already done a grand opening ceremony, the emperor without sorrow and the master of the house Yue sea old man also has a brief speaking, representative of the family also made symbolic congratulations. Like Yueyang classmate this wild thorn, let outsiders is five grandpa and beauty woman also afraid of his gossip, in the opening of the opening ceremony on pound a big trouble, so deliberately left he and Yue ice two in lounge waiting.

Yueyang students sleep boring, the Daluoli molesting dream. Yueyang

awake again, the first round of preliminaries have played.

Yue Bing also out of the field, but she didn't call a war who played, but according to Yueyang before the students taught her shameless tactics, in rivals are summoned to fight a monster rushed past, kick flying kick in each other's face. This tactical surprise, in addition to interrupt call, but also let his mental battle beast bite and weaker martial, immediately dizzy fan in the past.

this trick to summoned fast master did not use, reactive pushy attack corruption is actually very dangerous, but for the novice, this trick is absolutely proven! So the little girl

, Yue ice easily won...... Don't scold her

, but Yueyang is crazy scold a shameless guy.

because Yue ice over the years are not the attack tactics this year, she will use, then it must surely be she that is known as "abnormal nuthin 'brother teach her!

new nickname has a 'abnormal nuthin' said the Yueyang students, because a few days ago the madness, let draw and he of the alien children directly he abstained. Who is going to with the demonic metamorphosis of war? It's not around, that is have a death wish! Grandpa said to sleep five people. Yueyang this kid is still Meixinmeifei, also not bad people to call him. They also agreed to let Yueyang

Yue Shan, direct promotion of secondary war.

secondary to war, this time the draw, really some coincidence,On behalf of the draw of the five grandfather, a pumping on the small nine Yue feng. Super genius and metamorphosis

suck UPS, what exactly would result? Everyone is looking forward to.

small nine wind Yue, although over the years was only seven years old, but his contract to fight a monster success rate is astonishing, not to half a year. It is said that contract eight powerful beast wars, is now four sects of Nanling aery religion the key cultivation object. Yue Feng is absolutely a small, small, and Yueyang students, accurate...... The students in Yueyang before crossing the alternative cup boy, is be worthy of the name of scrap wood. It's not for the Yueyang to cross over to replace the cup,Estimated cup male and then practice ten years of combat skills, but also to win Yue feng.

Yueyang came out and found Yue's Castle Square greatly, it is estimated that than a football field is large and the surrounding dense filled the Yue family. The East is somewhat different from the Yue People

clothing, it is the wind, snow and a son of inflammation.

in the north high seat, in addition to the strong Yue sea old man, Shan Yue, Yue Ling, and so on, the most eye-catching is a delicate and pretty looks, clear eye God foot, personable consciousness looks over the rim of the scholar of the middle-aged man. The man wearing a white knight to take Dai Meiyu, head of hair band, although with his smiling face, but the action between the pitcher,
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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