In the present study we used the detergent fraction to detect anti-S.
stercoralis IgG antibodies in sera from immunocompromised individuals.
It was observed that the detergent fraction (D) showed high
positivity in the detection of IgG in serum samples from immunocompromised
individuals with strongyloidiasis (Table 1 and Fig. 1a,b). Also
noteworthy was the absence of false-positive results on serologic detection
of IgG in individuals with cancer or affected with tuberculosis and
in alcoholics. Using detergent fraction also led to a smaller percentage
of false-positive results in healthy individuals. False-positive serological
results were observed in HIV+, diabetic and healthy individuals for both
antigens preparations indicating a possible exposure to the parasite in
some previous time, maintaining an immunological memory and a
possible infection by S. stercoralis or cross-reactivity with other parasites,
in both cases not detected by the parasitological methods.