Holy Moly look at the height Jensen got jumping off that swivel chair!
For folks who'd rather read than listen, here's some summary tweets from the J2 Dallas panel:
Talking about gifs. Jensen: It’s like a gift without the “f”
Boys are excited about all of the Texans in the room.
Last time they’ll have a panel before s12 premieres they think. Also the last panel in Dallas.
Jared tweaked Jensen’s nipple lol.
Jared to the fans: We hear the love, we feel the love. “We ‘curse word’ love you guys.”
Dean will be the oldest in s12 out of Sam, Dean, and Mary.
Jensen: “You say older, I say wiser” re: Dean’s age.
Jared’s hair routine in the morning? Jared: How long do you have? Jensen’s hair routine. Jensen is in the makeup chair, Jared in makeup chair. Jensen to Jared: Done yet? Done yet?
Jensen on Jared: His dedication to winter headgear is astonishing.
Jared points to his beanie and says: This is how Jared feels comfortable being Jared. He’s learning to be enough. “I’m learning that this is me and I am enough.”
The look on Jensen’s face when Jared explained his beanie attachment was really sweet and understanding.
Jared says Sam’s hair routine is a different story, takes over 20 minutes. Jensen: Does that mean Sam isn’t enough? Jared: No, Sam is enough, he just doesn’t mind the 20 minutes but Jared does lol.
Jared brings up their buddy Jon Dorenbos on America’s Got Talent. The fan tells Jared she voted for him because they told us to. J2 pump fists and are happy about that lol.
Jensen’s pick-me-up song is whatever his daughter asks him to dance to with her. JJ picks the music in the Ackles household.
Jared plays and dances to Taylor Dayne song. Will play cheesy 80′s music when he wants to be silly. They remind him of a simpler time.
Jared plays a song, Jensen: And this is why driver picks the music…
Jared’s favorite graphic novel, eight years ago when there was only four of them, was The Walking Dead. Now there are more of them and he has them all.
Jensen was not into comics when he was younger and now he’s living in a comic.
Jensen has a few favorite death scenes. S3 finale and s11 when Dean thought Sam was dead in “Red Meat” and Dean overdosed to save him. Said that scene was hard, and did it several times. The pills were empty gel pills and placebos.
Jared likes to make Jensen try food and drinks he thinks taste gross. And of course Jensen does it lol.
Jared’s favorite death scene is also from “Red Meat.” Jared hated being dead on the bed in s2 AHBL2 since he wasn’t allowed to breathe throughout.
Jensen tells a story of how during one of the takes in AHBL2 Jared farted and Jensen said he heard it and saw Jared smile when he was supposed to be dead. “Code 7, clear the set.”
Jared: When you hold your breath and swallow a lot of oxygen- Jensen: Sometimes it’s gotta come out.
Lots of “Red Meat” and Nina Lopez-Corrado shout outs.
Fan asks how they would feel if they were in Crowley’s version of hell which is standing in line. Jared would rather be running and fighting than queueing in hell. Talks about how when they’re waiting in between filming he sometimes feels like a racehorse waiting at the stables when they have to wait in their trailers- Jensen: You’re such a thoroughbred.
Jensen thanked everyone for their understanding and patience with the lines today.
Fan says she’s going to UT but her sister is attending a different rival college. Jared jokes about getting her sister out of there lol. Jared talks about friends that went to different Texas colleges. A fan calls out, Go Sooners (which is a college in Oklahoma). Jensen talks about the origin of the name Sooners and calls those fans a bunch of criminals lol! (Learn more about the Sooners origin name here: x).
Jared was enrolled in UT during Gilmore Girls so he’s obviously a UT fan.
Jared said he was the original Dean and Jensen said “you were a Salmon Dean” lol!
Fan congrats Jensen on the twins. Jared teases: You say congratulate, I say give him condolences. Jensen: I accept both.
Worst creature to run into from the show? Fan yells out: Crowley! Jensen: Guys, let’s not go with the obvious answer. Jared jokes: It’s not Crowley it’s Mark Sheppard. The boys crack up. Jared: Shapeshifter. Jensen: Poisoned tacos.
Jensen said that the time that they’ve been on the show these years has changed and they’re always learning. They are very different people than when they started on the show. They have both grown in their personal lives and professional lives. Jensen’s advice on someone who wants to be an actor is to be a sponge when you’re on set, take everything in. Talks about what has made him and Jared better on and off screen.
Jared agrees and says he’s learned to love the gray. Touches on how his viewpoints of people have changed and on not jumping to conclusions about people. Nothing is absolute, things change. Takes forgiveness.
Jared: You’re a lot stronger than you think you are. When he meets people that thank him for helping them he wants to tell them that it
Holy Moly look at the height Jensen got jumping off that swivel chair!For folks who'd rather read than listen, here's some summary tweets from the J2 Dallas panel:Talking about gifs. Jensen: It’s like a gift without the “f”Boys are excited about all of the Texans in the room.Last time they’ll have a panel before s12 premieres they think. Also the last panel in Dallas.Jared tweaked Jensen’s nipple lol.Jared to the fans: We hear the love, we feel the love. “We ‘curse word’ love you guys.”Dean will be the oldest in s12 out of Sam, Dean, and Mary.Jensen: “You say older, I say wiser” re: Dean’s age.Jared’s hair routine in the morning? Jared: How long do you have? Jensen’s hair routine. Jensen is in the makeup chair, Jared in makeup chair. Jensen to Jared: Done yet? Done yet?Jensen on Jared: His dedication to winter headgear is astonishing.Jared points to his beanie and says: This is how Jared feels comfortable being Jared. He’s learning to be enough. “I’m learning that this is me and I am enough.”The look on Jensen’s face when Jared explained his beanie attachment was really sweet and understanding.Jared says Sam’s hair routine is a different story, takes over 20 minutes. Jensen: Does that mean Sam isn’t enough? Jared: No, Sam is enough, he just doesn’t mind the 20 minutes but Jared does lol.Jared brings up their buddy Jon Dorenbos on America’s Got Talent. The fan tells Jared she voted for him because they told us to. J2 pump fists and are happy about that lol.เพลงของเจนเซนควรจะอิ่มลูกสาวของเขาถามว่า เขาเต้นไปกับเธอ เจเจรับเพลงในบ้านเซนJared เล่น และเต้นเพลงเทย์เลอร์เดย์น จะเล่นเพลง 80′s วิเศษเมื่ออยากจะโง่ พวกเขาเตือนให้เขาของเวลาจาเล่นเพลง เจนเซน: และนี่คือเหตุผลที่ขับรับเพลง...The Walking Dead ของ Jared ชื่นชอบนวนิยาย ดาราเมื่อมีเพียงสี่ของพวกเขา ได้ ขณะนี้มีมากกว่านั้น และเขามีพวกเขาทั้งหมดเจนเซนไม่ได้เป็นการ์ตูนเมื่อเขาอายุน้อยกว่า และตอนนี้ เขาจะอยู่ในการ์ตูนเจนเซ่นได้โปรดตายกี่ฉาก S3 finale และ s11 เมื่อคณบดีคิด Sam ถูกตายใน "เนื้อแดง" และคณบดี overdosed การบันทึกเขา กล่าวว่า ฉากที่ยาก และไม่ได้หลายครั้ง ยาถูกยาว่างและ placebosJared ชอบให้เจนเซนลองอาหาร และเครื่องดื่มเขาคิดรสรวม และแน่นอนว่าเจนเซนไม่ได้ฮ่า ๆฉากตายที่ชื่นชอบของ Jared ก็มาจาก "เนื้อแดง" Jared เกลียดความตายบนเตียงใน s2 AHBL2 เนื่องจากไม่สามารถหายใจตลอดเจนเซ่นบอกเรื่องราวของวิธีในช่วงหนึ่งของเวลาใน AHBL2 Jared farted และเจนเซนกล่าวว่า เขาได้ยินมัน และเห็น Jared ยิ้มเมื่อเขาควรจะตาย "รหัส 7 ล้างชุด"Jared: เมื่อคุณถือลมหายใจของคุณ และกลืนมากออกซิเจนเจนเซ่น: บางครั้งก็ต้องออกมาลึกหนาบางตะโกน "เนื้อแดง" และนีน่านิเฟอร์โลเปซโคโรราโดมากFan asks how they would feel if they were in Crowley’s version of hell which is standing in line. Jared would rather be running and fighting than queueing in hell. Talks about how when they’re waiting in between filming he sometimes feels like a racehorse waiting at the stables when they have to wait in their trailers- Jensen: You’re such a thoroughbred.Jensen thanked everyone for their understanding and patience with the lines today.Fan says she’s going to UT but her sister is attending a different rival college. Jared jokes about getting her sister out of there lol. Jared talks about friends that went to different Texas colleges. A fan calls out, Go Sooners (which is a college in Oklahoma). Jensen talks about the origin of the name Sooners and calls those fans a bunch of criminals lol! (Learn more about the Sooners origin name here: x).Jared was enrolled in UT during Gilmore Girls so he’s obviously a UT fan.Jared said he was the original Dean and Jensen said “you were a Salmon Dean” lol!Fan congrats Jensen on the twins. Jared teases: You say congratulate, I say give him condolences. Jensen: I accept both.Worst creature to run into from the show? Fan yells out: Crowley! Jensen: Guys, let’s not go with the obvious answer. Jared jokes: It’s not Crowley it’s Mark Sheppard. The boys crack up. Jared: Shapeshifter. Jensen: Poisoned tacos.Jensen said that the time that they’ve been on the show these years has changed and they’re always learning. They are very different people than when they started on the show. They have both grown in their personal lives and professional lives. Jensen’s advice on someone who wants to be an actor is to be a sponge when you’re on set, take everything in. Talks about what has made him and Jared better on and off screen.Jared agrees and says he’s learned to love the gray. Touches on how his viewpoints of people have changed and on not jumping to conclusions about people. Nothing is absolute, things change. Takes forgiveness.Jared: You’re a lot stronger than you think you are. When he meets people that thank him for helping them he wants to tell them that it
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