Stir brown sugar into water and bring to boil. Lower heat when it begins to boil. Stir until sugar has completely dissolved. Leave to cool until just warm.
Drizzle corn oil into brown sugar syrup, add salt and stir thoroughly. Reserve enough aside (about 1/4 cup) for later use.
Mix glutinous rice flour with corn oil and brown sugar mixture. Mix well thoroughly with a large metal spoon as the batter will be thick and sticky. Keep kneading until the mixture is evenly smooth.
Grease the sides and bottom of a round cake tin with corn oil. Pour mixture into the cake tin. Press mixture evenly into cake tin to remove any trapped air bubbles. It is advisable to wet your fingers before you press to prevent mixture from sticking to your fingers.
Now drizzle reserved syrup on top of mixture. Steam in a steamer over high heat for 5 hours. Check occasionally that there is enough water for steaming.
When cake is ready, leave to cool at room temperature for it to harden. Cut into slices
To serve, simply slice into wedges and serve in a plate. For those who prefer a soft texture, microwave for 20 seconds or steam on boiling water for 5 minutes until softened to the desired consistency.
If you like, you can enjoy Nian Gao with grated coconut (mixed with pinch of salt)