3. Cancellation of Exhibition Space
In the event of the Organiser agreeing to any request for release from the contract, the Ex hibitor will be liable for all or part of the cost s tated in the
contract overleaf on the following scal e:
Cancellation 271 days or more before the show 15% of cost
Cancellation between 270 and 181 days before the show 40% of cost
Cancellation between 180 and 121 days before the show 60% of cost
Cancellation between 120 and 61days before the show 80% of cost
Cancellation 60 days or less before the show full cost
This scale of charges will apply only from the date the Organiser receives written notice by letter, telex or fax. In addition to this scale, the exhibitor will be liable for any specific cost incurred on his behalf
by the Organiser. These terms cannot be varied under any circumstances.