They looked as if they had been in confinement for far, far too long, and were finally being revealed at long last!
An unsightly expression appeared on the face of true spirit Night, and complex feelings arose in its heart. It knew that it was incapable of doing anything to revoke the qualifications of this person. Once six portions of light were revealed, a minimum of three chances were guaranteed.
Even if Meng Hao completely failed now, Night was incapable of harming him in the slightest, let alone demand the continental mirror be returned.
As long as Meng Hao had the qualifications, it was incapable of doing anything to him. It could only watch on helplessly as Meng Hao proceeded onward at will.
“Three mountains, nine bows. Already, six bows have been performed. The final three bows are for the Withering Flame Demon Mountain. That is the most difficult mountain of all. Even if he already has seven portions of light, it will still be impossible for him to get nine total!” Night’s eyes flickered as it looked at Meng Hao.
Ke Jiusi also looked at Meng Hao, a thoughtful expression in his eyes.
Meng Hao closed his eyes and calmed his heart. Then he looked up toward the last of the Demon Mountains. This was the mountain of raging flame, with a pit of fire at its peak that countless withered figures struggled to enter.
It almost seemed to be a location of reincarnation. By leaping into the pit, they could release themselves from worldly cares, find their true bodies, then leave and be reborn anew.
However, what Meng Hao saw was that every person who leaped into the fiery pit would once again be born as a withered figure, who would then again begin to climb. It seemed to be an endless cycle.
The more he watched, the more he realized that this was reincarnation.
Actually, this mountain’s true name was Reincarnation Demon Mountain. As for the name Withering Flame, it fit with its appearance, but not the meaning of the mountain. Of course, the Greater Demon which had given rise to this mountain had a technique called the Withering Flame Demon Magic True Self Dao.
Therefore, the name Withering Flame was also not inappropriate.
Meng Hao looked silently at the Reincarnation Demon Mountain in front of him. He had been most confident regarding the Frost Soil, and secondarily, the Blood Demon. The only mountain he had no confidence in was this Reincarnation Demon Mountain.
If there was any destiny connecting him to this mountain, then at best it would be the technique he had acquired but not mastered in the Second Plane, the Withering Flame Demon Magic True Self Dao.
Even as he hesitated, the Reincarnation Demon Mountain began to rumble of its own accord. Black smoke poured out from the fiery pit, rushing out to fill the sky, followed by endless flames.
Next, a voice spoke out from within, ancient and emotionless.
“Reincarnation Mountain needs no bows!
“Many years ago, there was a withered slave on this mountain who said that life is pain, and that he wished to free himself from the sea of bitterness. That sea is like an inescapable flame which can burn everything.
“Afterwards, he called this place Withering Flame, and made a solemn vow that he would eradicate the sea of bitterness. He would ensure that all living things no longer experience bitterness, but rather, freedom!
“If you were in his place, what would you do?!”
พวกเขาดูเหมือนว่าพวกเขาได้รับในการเก็บกักนานไกล ไกลเกินไป และในที่สุดก็ถูกเปิดเผยในที่สุดนิพจน์ที่ไม่น่าดูปรากฏใบหน้าจิตวิญญาณแท้จริงคืน และความรู้สึกที่ซับซ้อนเกิดขึ้นในหัวใจของมัน มันรู้ว่า มันไม่สามารถทำอะไรเพื่อยกเลิกคุณสมบัติของบุคคลนี้ เมื่อเปิดเผยบางส่วนหกแสง รับประกันอย่างน้อยสามโอกาสแม้งเฮาสมบูรณ์ล้มเหลวขณะนี้ คืนก็ไม่สามารถทำร้ายเขาในน้อยที่สุด ประสาต้องการกระจกยุโรปถูกส่งกลับตราบใดที่เมงเฮามีคุณสมบัติ มันก็ไม่สามารถทำอะไรกับเขา มันสามารถเพียงดูที่ซมเป็นเฮาเมงเป็นต้นไปดำเนินการ"สามภูเขา ธนูเก้า แล้ว ธนูหกได้รับการดำเนินการ คันธนูสามขั้นสุดท้ายสำหรับ Withering เปลวไฟปีศาจภูเขาได้ นั่นคือภูเขาที่ยากที่สุดของทั้งหมด แม้ว่าเขามีส่วนเจ็ดแสง ยังคงเป็นไปไม่ได้สำหรับเขาที่จะได้รับรวมเก้า" ดวงตาของ flickered เป็นมันมองเฮาเมงKe Jiusi ยังมองไปที่เมงเฮา นิพจน์ที่รอบคอบในสายตาของเขาเมงเฮาปิดตาของเขา และสงบใจ แล้ว เขามองขึ้นไปทางของภูเขาปีศาจ ภูเขาของเปลวไฟที่โหมกระหน่ำ มีหลุมไฟที่จุดสูงสุดที่พยายามที่จะป้อนตัวเลขนับไม่ถ้วนที่เหี่ยวได้เกือบเหมือนตำแหน่งที่ ตั้งของการเกิดใหม่ โดยการกระโดดในหลุม สามารถปล่อยตัวเองจากโลกประสงค์ พบร่างกายจริง แล้วปล่อย และจะเกิดใหม่อีกครั้งHowever, what Meng Hao saw was that every person who leaped into the fiery pit would once again be born as a withered figure, who would then again begin to climb. It seemed to be an endless cycle.The more he watched, the more he realized that this was reincarnation.Actually, this mountain’s true name was Reincarnation Demon Mountain. As for the name Withering Flame, it fit with its appearance, but not the meaning of the mountain. Of course, the Greater Demon which had given rise to this mountain had a technique called the Withering Flame Demon Magic True Self Dao.Therefore, the name Withering Flame was also not inappropriate.Meng Hao looked silently at the Reincarnation Demon Mountain in front of him. He had been most confident regarding the Frost Soil, and secondarily, the Blood Demon. The only mountain he had no confidence in was this Reincarnation Demon Mountain.If there was any destiny connecting him to this mountain, then at best it would be the technique he had acquired but not mastered in the Second Plane, the Withering Flame Demon Magic True Self Dao.Even as he hesitated, the Reincarnation Demon Mountain began to rumble of its own accord. Black smoke poured out from the fiery pit, rushing out to fill the sky, followed by endless flames.Next, a voice spoke out from within, ancient and emotionless.“Reincarnation Mountain needs no bows!“Many years ago, there was a withered slave on this mountain who said that life is pain, and that he wished to free himself from the sea of bitterness. That sea is like an inescapable flame which can burn everything.“Afterwards, he called this place Withering Flame, and made a solemn vow that he would eradicate the sea of bitterness. He would ensure that all living things no longer experience bitterness, but rather, freedom!“If you were in his place, what would you do?!”—–
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