Recruitment Method
The senior centers are recruited through DFTA’s Bureau of Community Services, which makes the initial contact with the SC to provide an overview of the study. If the SCs director expresses interest, DFTA then passes the center’s contact information to the COACH Project Manager (LF), who then sets up an in-person meeting to go over the project in detail with the director of the senior center. Once a senior center agrees to participate in the study, COACH study staff visit the site, and organize a “kick off day” screening event at the site, during which the study staff introduces the program to seniors, answer their questions about eligibility and recruit seniors who express interest in the study. COACH study staff visit the senior centers approximately 3 days per week to inform seniors about the study and ascertain their interest in participating in eligibility screening. For each SC recruited into the study, there are two phases – the recruitment and the intervention phase. The first half of the recruitment phase focuses on conducting eligibility screens, while the second half focuses on completing baseline visits for eligible seniors. Once all baseline visits are complete, seniors are randomized and the SC then moves into the intervention phase.