But at the time when the sun raised to (the French astrologer) or moves from Pisces into Aries in April (the third day of the first lunar month, 5), we considered a special case. Called Maha Songkran Day by day, and by holding that a donkey began the new year. A new Holocene transition According to the calculations of the astrologer astrological knowledge. Because in the past month, we honor the first month of the year reign of King Chulalongkorn, Rama 5 in the year 2432 was designated the first day of the fifth lunar month, which falls on April 1 a day. New Year And have used ever since The reason is because the ancient tradition due to the Lunar. Will meet on the first lunar month, which is Day 5. Or that the sun moves from Pisces into Aries itself.
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