There are tremendous values mineral treasures of PAN-dora is the target of a human world or business executives who want to go to private interests. Integration of the armed forces. Scientist, and a lot of people who need to travel across space from Earth to the star PAN dora. Where it is different at different targets. There are benefits and different needs. Jake, or the hero of the story that the identity of the man in the world, they are just young Marines pass battlefield is imbued with the layout and the half paralyzed, although it does not mind the weakening. And the starting point of the star to stay abreast of j PAN dora is because the twins brother died and because Singapore's massive bet to make the body of the chaonawi brothers. It is the reason, there's opportunity j khadai new worlds that will change lives forever layout. How they differ from project participants and other persons who have been trained. Training to learn about life, as well as chaonawi and a strong spirit of khataek to a different layout for j from others. The main chaonawi embroidery down the foundations at the heart of a large mineral pit is the goal of the infiltration of Jake. The parties to the armed forces as a spy agency in order to obtain military information and structure. Which will affect the chaonawi attacks. Best Director, for example, scientists want to experiment, and facts about the lives of Sha WANA faction wants the same VIP benefits, but using a different method. When the styling of yesteryear to discover and use the j-life chaonawi to cause a profound engagement. The committed minds and close to death the choice of layout. Because no matter which side they choose to cause a traitor of the other end anyway. But it wouldn't be the end with the future of mankind and the world of chaonawi is a bet.
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