i don't like museum
do you want to go to a museums next sunday?
no'i don't . i don't like museums
but there's an exhibition on football
ah'that's different what about Maria? Does she like football?
No'Maria doesn't like football'but she likes footballers
ok then Do you know where it is ?
yes I do' but let's call the lnfo Point for the opening times
David calls the lnfo Point for information
Good morning ' lnfo Point
Hello' do you give information about museums?
yes' we do' what do you want to know?
what time does the museums open?
The Natural History Museum opens at 9 o'clock.
No'the football museums
I see ... it opens at 10 o'clock ... and it's free
Great Thank you very much
Ok,the Natural History Museum opens at 9, and the football museums opens at 10. which one do you want to go to ?
what do you think?