03-11 侵入者「はあ、やっと終わった」 仁とマルシアは2人そろって溜め息をついた。 今まで、仁は焼け焦げた貸しドックの修理を、そしてマル การแปล - 03-11 侵入者「はあ、やっと終わった」 仁とマルシアは2人そろって溜め息をついた。 今まで、仁は焼け焦げた貸しドックの修理を、そしてマル อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

03-11 侵入者「はあ、やっと終わった」 仁とマルシアは2人そろって

03-11 侵入者

「礼子、悪いが、ドックのシグナス白鳥を監視していてくれないか? また何か妨害でもされると厄介だから」


「何だあ? こんな所に? 怪しい奴め」

「ん? どうした?」


「マルシアが狙われている……? いや、それにしてはやり方がおかしい」

20130426 13時

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
03-11 intruder"The Ah, finally ended. Jin and Marcia are two, sighed. Until now, Jin has burnt burnt rental dock repairs and Marcia had explained to a neighbor and apologetic."It is nearly evening..."And what we didn't do today. In the fire and preparing for competitions such as the adjustment of the ship is unable to have after dark."Well, tomorrow from 1 a. I also help fishing until today so."I see. And then tomorrow morning hope on Cygnus the Swan. And Jin, I came up with that mouth."By the way what boat you Marcia, Reiko and I can ride like no? 」 Confirmation is by boat on the sea were Marcia and arrow on Cygnus the Swan, so Jin various Yara adjustments easier. Marcia, it is"Oh, there. But I'm used to help fishing boat. It good? 」 You use it tomorrow, so things are done to the fishing pier. That night."Reiko, but won't be monitored dock Cygnus the Swan? Also be something disturbing and annoying so.' Okay. Called Luna from Penglai. Answer Yes, Reiko is passing under the transfer gate warp gate leads to the Penglai island in the dark and under the girl called the Golem, Soleil and Luna."Uncalled for a sister, or? 」' Yes. It is about your father. Luna, you come with me. No patron horai island and you are."I see" And again transferred to the pot rock,"As described, Luna, you are at this dock ship Soceity." And Golem was present, the arrow towards the"Is your arrow and her father made senior. The patron of the boat and the dock.See showtiitashimashita. Arrow at the Golem especially increased leg strength, combat power is not very much (in the true sense, standard in the world, think low). Because it is vulnerable to attacks from the enemy."I made you my father's youngest sister. Well let."Hai" Reiko saw it returned to hotel. You don't need sleep, Reiko. After Jin slept standing quietly while exploring the surrounding signs. Until the morning comes he always was supposed to be in that State.「…… Is the intruder, " 戸締まりをしてある海鳴亭の裏口をこじ開けて入ってきた者が2名。だが、この時点ではまだ礼子は行動を起こさない。絶対の主人である仁が不利益を被らないなら何もするつもりはないのである。「……2階へ上がってきましたか」 仁を起こさないようにそっと部屋を抜け出し、廊下に立つ。足音の主は、3階へと上がっていくようだ。3階にはマルシアが泊まっている部屋がある。 マルシアと共にゴーレム艇競技に出るのを楽しみにしている仁の事を思い、マルシアに何かあったらそれがフイになると判断した礼子は、音を立てずに侵入者に続いて3階へと上がっていった。 侵入者は3階へ着くと、部屋の名前を確認しながら、『ヘリン』という名前の部屋の前に立つ。そこが目的の部屋なのは一目瞭然。そしてそこはマルシアが泊まっている。「こんな夜中に何の御用ですか」「!?」 いきなり背後から声を掛けられた2人は硬直した。声を出さなかったことは誉めてもいいだろう。 振り向く2人、そこで見たのは水色のワンピースに白いエプロン姿の黒髪の美少女であった。「何だあ? こんな所に? 怪しい奴め」 1人が小声でそう言った。それを聞いた礼子は、「怪しいのはどっちですか。そこは女性が泊まっている部屋です。押し入る気ですか?」

「ん? どうした?」


「マルシアが狙われている……? いや、それにしてはやり方がおかしい」

20130426 13時

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
03-11 intruder
"Ha, finally ended,"
Jin and Marcia sighed aligned two people.
Until now, Jin repair of burnt rental dock, and Marcia is had to the description and apologized to neighboring.
"The other evening or ......"
"Do not do anything today"
in a fire turmoil, such as the ship of the adjustment, preparation of the competition got dark the day without being able to do anything.
"Well, also Do not. I from A Day tomorrow, because the help of fishing's until today."
"I see. So lean on Na in Cygnus swan from the morning tomorrow."
eat that and Jin, I came up a little.
"By the way Marcia, there is no kana? I me and Reiko like can ride the boat"
because Marcia and Arrows ride in the Cygnus swan, Jin also is easy to do Yara are various confirmation Yara adjusted person who was on top of the sea by boat.
The Marcia you have guessed it,
"Oh, by some. boat that I was using to help the fishing is. So mind you?"
because it seems are also doing the fishing grounds of the pier, it was to that tomorrow you use. That night. "Reiko, it is bad, do not you have to monitor the Cygnus swan of the dock? Also something because it is cumbersome and also be in interference" and "I understand. This is called the Luna from Penglai" so answer, Reiko of darkness medium, and Passing through the transition Gate warp gate leading to the Isle of the Immortals, was called under the girl golem, the Soleil and Luna. "Sister, Is and?" "Yes. It is a life niece of your father. Luna, you like to come with me. Soleil, you please have patron this the Isle of the Immortals." "Okay," and again transition to Potorokku, and "as described, Luna, in you this dock, this Defend the ship" and golem who was in there, towards the arrow, you "Arrow, this child also that your father has become Otsukuri of is a senior. You let the ship and the dock patron " "small Chi Ita Shimashita" Arrow, not particularly in the golem with enhanced leg strength, combat power is even less (in the true sense of the term, low to be considered in this world standard) . So it is vulnerable to attacks from predators. "You are most ne new sister became Otsukuri of your father. Well leave Put aside" "Yes," went back to it and Mitodoke was Reiko inn. Reiko does not need to sleep. After Jin slept, and standing quietly while exploring around the sign. If always, it was supposed to remain in that state until the morning comes. "...... Intruder, Is" two people who came into forced open the back door of Umina-tei which are to lock the door. But, still Reiko does not take action at this time. Is the absolute master Hitoshi is not going to do anything you do not suffer from the disadvantages. "Did we came up to the second floor ......" gently so as not to cause the Jin to escape the room, standing in the hallway. Lord footsteps, seems to go up to the third floor. Is on the third floor there is a room that Marcia is staying. I think that of Jin you are looking forward to get out to the golem boat competition together with Marcia, Reiko that if there something to Marcia it is determined to be blowing, up to the third floor Following the intruder without making a sound I went. If the intruder get to the third floor, while confirming the name of the room, stand in front of the room named "Helin". The obvious of which is the purpose of the room. And there is Marcia is staying. "What does patronage in this middle of the night." "!?" was suddenly the two people that have been multiplied by a voice from behind rigid. That it has not issued a voice it would be good to praise. 2 people, where the saw was a black hair girl in the white apron to the light blue of the dress turn around. "What Daa? In a place like this? Suspicious guy Me" one person said so in a low voice. Reiko heard it, "suspicious of the Which Is. It's a room that women are staying. It is mind intrude either?" Then, one person remains silent, has been attacked Reiko by brandishing a knife . It seems to have decided to silence in the questions asked. "!" Reiko knife disappears in an instant from the hand of the man that struck. "Do not touch me in such a thing," Reiko that imperceptibly had to hand the knife. And folded into two at your fingertips the knife, we've further broke it in two. "Fire ......" seemed surprised to this truly, man to raise a small cry. The other one, when about to enter the room of "Helin", where you are forced open the key to the door. Reiko you Miteto~tsu it determines that the time priority, raising the output of 10% to until now to 20%. "Gu~e" fist that was projected to dovetail momentarily mowing the consciousness of the previous man eyes, even impress upon him the Chop to the nape of the man who forced open the key. "Therefore" two Kuzuoreru intruder. "...... Fu" Reiko to sigh without the handle. Is not killed killing not at 20 percent, the power adjustment is very difficult. Reiko facing the two men aside. it would be very surreal figure if anyone can see. As it is Reiko down the stairs without even stand the sound, out of the back door of the men was opened. So once again explore the periphery of the sign, but, suspicious signs within one kilometers was not. A while determined that safety is ensured. "Do let's have thrown away to somewhere" where Reiko kick the ground. Reiko multiplying without a sound, continues ran at full power for about 15 minutes, it was down two people remain fainted there. Where I do not know whether it is, but it is a back street of a distant town. And Reiko Tottekaeshi, we went back to the Jin of the room. "Oh, well I slept," morning, when Jin wakes up, the usual Reiko had there. "Good morning, your father." "Oh, good morning. Na seems good weather today." "Well, a little story is," "do? What is it?" is Reiko I explained to Jin that of last night. Jin heard the story with his arms folded, "Well, I mean what, Na's childish" and, try connecting the event was enigmatic series of interference. that magic tool mechanic Magi craftsman was not found until the last minute. that magic stone Magi Stone had been bought up. That the quality of bronze that I bought was too evil. that the dock has been arson. And, last night of the intruder. Magic interference magic and at the town hall, it is not noticed is that the Captain had been aimed at him. "...? No, Marcia has been targeted to be in it funny way" sabotage that was mentioned, something of the order to not be able to compete in Marcia is the competition as a result. The reason for such a thing can not think. Do not mean that apart from winning candidates, nor does it mean that the famous shipbuilding Engineering ship lights. Reiko, leave it captured the intruder, but I do what did not may have found it if it can be questioned, it is Sen'nai can even try to say anymore. It is something that is cruel to ask the attention to the bottom to Reiko. "Well, why aside, Do not you not have succumbed to interfere with something" so it concluded was Hitoshi the time being was slowly Shitaku, to go down to the first floor. Wash the face with a well for the basin, and the other Marcia was stomach and go to the cafeteria. "Good morning, Marcia" "Oh, Jin. Good morning. I ask one day today," two people who took thus breakfast a little hectic, when raise money to get dressed and headed to the harbor by Tsureda~tsu. The little Luna before is neither extra commotion because I had left the rental dock, is Marcia which was floated Cygnus swan, "Well then gin, here from me to go to the other side of the harbor. there because there is a me of boat " to say so, was koga to Arrow, Marcia went slowly away from the harbor. "Beauty, Reiko, us also go either" "Yes, your father," and to have a mass of bronze that was about to melt, which had been lying to lend dock to Reiko, Jin was headed to the port to use the fisherman. 20130426 13:00 Although I should have questioned it captures the intruder, a downlink that's cruel to expect the attention to the bottom to Reiko, has been added in the text because it Aru's funny wrote only in postscript. Reiko then you have also artificially breathing, it can as heart sound is also heard. So sigh, it is to be human stinking behavior of. But it will do Reiko was good if interrogating the intruder, I could not care up there. Well, the reason that Marcia is targeted? Thank you for reading.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Intruder alarm
「 11, 1993, Jin and Marcia 2 people sigh together. Up to now, at the dock for repair of burnt, burnt, and Jin Marcia and explanation to apologize for it.
「 anymore... Evening... " In today is not any fire (1993), such as the adjustment of the preparations for the games, but I can't do anything. Well, tomorrow is the day
「. I will help you, because of 」
「 until today.Well, tomorrow morning to see swan Cygnus (1993) and Jin, just hit it. Marcia, as in a boat ride and Reiko me not? " So at the swan Cygnus, Marcia and arrow on a variety of Jin in the ship on the sea it is easy to do and make adjustment. It is understood to
「 Oh, Marcia. But I use a boat to help fishery. Is that all? " AtBecause it is in the fishing pier, it will use tomorrow. That night, too. Bad
「 Reiko, dock, swan Cygnus me to watch? Also found that something is troubling and 」
「 interference. So to answer calls from 1993 to Luna in darkness, horai Reiko, passing through the transfer gate that leads to the warp gate horai-jima Golem, girl, Luna Soleil. My sister,
「 call? "
「 well. My father's life.Luna, you come with me. Soleil, you found yourself 」
「 Shugo (1993), and with this horai-jima pot to be locked again 、
「 Luna in this transition, you must keep your ship, dock and Golem (1993), there 、
「 arrow toward the arrow, the father of this child make your senior. 」
「 ショウチイタシマシタ 1993 arrow will dock and the shipIn particular, to strengthen the strength of the combat power does not, in the true sense in this world would think). So weak from enemy attack. But your father's
「 make the best sister. Reiko well to keep high 」
「 (1993) see it back to the hotel. Reiko does not sleep. After sleeping, exploring the surrounding quiet standing still. If it remains in this state until the morning comes.
「…… Invaders, 1993)2 person back to the healing restaurant is forced to enter the name of the doors. However, at this point in time is not yet Reiko action. Absolute master is not going to suffer any disadvantage is.
「…… I was so as not to wake up to the second floor to Jin (1993) out of the room quietly, standing in the hall. The main steps of the way up to the second floor. There are staying on the third floor room, Marcia. AtHe thought it would be fun to go out of the boat in the competition with the Golem of Marcia, Reiko determines what Marcia if it to be, without making any noise at the intruder, and followed up. Arrive at the intruder to the third floor, room, the name of "standing in front of their name and the room. There is a purpose of the room. Marcia and stayed there. What do you want 」

「 at this time of night At
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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