第107章 貪小便宜上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 “兩位客官是要來住店還是吃飯?” 正在櫃台處算賬的掌櫃抬頭看到從門外走進來的游小默和凌霄,臉上 การแปล - 第107章 貪小便宜上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 “兩位客官是要來住店還是吃飯?” 正在櫃台處算賬的掌櫃抬頭看到從門外走進來的游小默和凌霄,臉上 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第107章 貪小便宜上一頁 返回目錄 下一頁 “兩位客官是要來住店還是

第107章 貪小便宜
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The 107th chapter cheapPrevious page back next page "Two Sir want to stay or eat? ” Counter service is being looked up and saw the shopkeeper who came from outside the door of reckoning You Xiaomo and peak, immediately put a smile on your face. You Xiaomo says: the former shopkeeper suddenly showed a face of modest means, "two Sir, excuse me, seven-floor reception ready to participate in the auction of the people today, if you two are not going to participate in the auction will only find another restaurant, really sorry. ” Shopkeeper said was sincere attitude is also very good, if not a particularly bad-tempered people, afraid that this might have gone quite a but of a seven-floor is the boss behind the scenes Hun-city city, where rioting also have to OK OK their catty. You Xiaomo hearing this, immediately think of VIP card that I put in my pocket and immediately felt storage bag, a black VIP cards in his hand. See his show VIP card, shopkeeper was surprised for a moment, immediately in fear and trepidation of two to the second floor of the House. Black is a secondary card, who can get this card is worth more than 5 million people, the two men could have a secondary card, clearly worth is unusual. When two people swallowed up when the stairs on the second floor, some of the people sitting in the Hall turned a sour look. Shopkeeper who not only know the VIP cards, Hall also has many recognized, because 90% is going to participate in the auction of the people, just to get a VIP card has very little. Fine jade city is a bustling city, but to participate in the auction of the people but are not necessarily wealthy people, a lot of people just come, and some people even three ' get the VIP card for that. "His ' damn money, two VIP card was selling more than 5 million can be! ” Hall in which a gaunt appearance slightly bawdy direction of the men looked at the two of them disappeared licked his lips, finally muttered something, seemingly displeased expression, constituents, the majority of the eyes is jealous. Mostly VIP seat too much better than the seat, but also convenient to watch auction items, so many people want to get the VIP card, but unless it is a big one, otherwise you'll only watch auction item price, but a three ' level VIP cards to more than 2 million to arrive. Skinny men are not low, next to him sat two tables of people, look at their clothes and accessories, all seem to be together. Which a table sat with a special conspicuous of woman, woman wearing a flame red of dress, full exquisite bump has caused of figure in red dress of package Xia looming, really provocative people, hook ' attracted around many men frequently to she of direction see, eyes more or less some explicit, woman is imitation if not sleep, erotic like of eyes looked with You Xiaomo and soar disappeared of direction, seductive of face like laugh half. Next to an old man sees a woman's face, asked, "Lady, thinking that two people interested in? ” "The two men look a little mean. "Women hold a wipe smile on her lips, the glass down, does not deny. "Interesting and not free to mess with them anymore. "Old man sternly. "Why is this? "The woman asked with interest. "Holding card young teenager is really weak, not worth mentioning, but the man with him was somewhat inscrutable, the old man unable to see him practice, and as you can see, seven VIP cards of the auction is not going to give people, the two men behind the estimate, also was out for good. "Old one earnest said. "Old, is clearly often make any contribution you destroy yourself down. "The woman left to raise absent expression appeared to be old, is not convinced. "Young lady, that cannot be said, this time to participate in the auction of the great powers are not less, strength is not stronger than the unfettered, and set out the front door would have told me, let me watch you, don't let your temper a bit offended. "Old man shakes his head. "Cut" woman head aside, eyes still look to the second floor, quick Flash of color in the eyes. Old man sees only shook his head helplessly. Shopkeeper who brought to a dress up luxurious House, due to which itself has two beds, so he gave them two Shang Fang, see two people without objection, this before I left. You Xiaomo went into the inner room, there are two beds, surprised for a moment and then ecstasy, he thought only a bed, no two rooms before, because he knew that the peak would not allow, is not a pointless struggle. Soar also came in, glanced to the Chamber does not care two beds after brought surprise to someone, anyway, when you sleep, dragged directly into ' bed ended. "Ling Shi Xiong, we now need to do not need to restore the original look like? "You Xiaomo stood in front of a mirror, looking unfamiliar faces in the mirror, the face is naturally camouflaged. Two people following the peak in order to make unnecessary trouble to avoid being recognized, just two people on the face of the hands and feet, so now they face is a face, even if they have a good relationship Zhou Peng and Chen music stand in front of them, it is impossible to know. "Don't need it. "Soar away sat down to tea. You Xiaomo over the edge, staring at his face carefully asked, "Ling Shi Xiong, you now face is your face? "[Non-y-o ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧] Peak lift eyelid glances at him with one eye, slowly up the corners, "do you really want to know? ” You Xiaomo immediately back a few inches, Hey laughed, "If Ling Shi brothers tell me......" But seriously, he is a very curious indeed soar face, knew him for so long, he doesn't know what he looks like, only that he called soar, as with the pronunciation of the name brother Lin Xiaoshi, so he never worried about called him by the wrong name. "Are you......" soar to bully him, watching his eyes smiled, "I didn't want to. ” You Xiaomo mouth tics, "......" Not long after, restaurant waiter guy delivers hot meals, after supper, You Xiaomo also known to man, let him take another ten dessert, because it reminded him of a nearly forgotten by him matter. This mountain, one more thing he wants to do, that is, store food. Let him eat BIGU Dan he's not used to, unless it is closed when you can't eat, he is more focused on Gusteau's, but the dining room where he didn't like, and thus too leaky, and brother to see his eyes were always somewhat unusual, so he decided to take advantage of this down to buy a bunch of food in space. Seven-floor thing since it is free, he would kill them to an excellent feel sorry for myself. So, every half an hour You Xiaomo let guys send some Dim sum, after the man left, he had some Dim sum at once packed into the space, for the purpose of not finding him, he also got some snacks small debris on the ground, manufacturing evidence, let each in dishes, man. That dude was especially depressed, he found these people to eat, perhaps really is You Xiaomo to talk later, so he did not find the evidence in front of him is false. Will look in the eyes of the whole process peak, shocked expression first, until the man walked, he grabbed his ravaged out, Jolly said, "little brother, how you can be more and more cute! ” "Oh, you don't want to mess up my hair. "You Xiaomo struggled to escape from under his claws out today was the second time was his, and he increasingly wonder why peak love to rub his head. Haishi, and many people are already asleep when You Xiaomo wanted to call folks sent the last snack, but are impatient on the clouds to pull ' bed, resistance was suppressed by force, so much so that he forgot his plan before plan to sleep separately from the peak. The next day, under a harsh light You Xiaomo opened his eyes, not surprisingly, he last night and slept in the peak body, he dresses very calm up to wash, who wake up every morning found himself tightly clinging to another man, but also his work in the past, do not learn to calm them. He woke up, peak also woke up, after washing them down the stairs. Eating breakfast is on the first floor of the Hall, under the eyes, You Xiaomo cent want another cheap idea, quietly eating his breakfast. I do not know, shopkeeper and seen him not to snack, breathed a sigh of relief, and fortunately the father was leaving. Although seven-floor with VIP cards are free to eat or drink, but also can't afford to consume, if everyone were like him, then the collapse of the seven-floor only. When You Xiaomo, shopkeeper was sent personally to welcome outside away, it looks as if sent away a mountain of pressure on his shoulders, was relaxed.
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