Once upon a time there was a king who had a wife, whose name was Silve การแปล - Once upon a time there was a king who had a wife, whose name was Silve มาเลย์ วิธีการพูด

Once upon a time there was a king w

Once upon a time there was a king who had a wife, whose name was Silver tree, and a daughter, whose name was Gold tree. On a certain day of the days, Gold-tree and Silver-tree went to a glen, where there was a well, and in it there was a trout.

Said Silver-tree, "Troutie, bonny little fellow, am not I the most beautiful queen in the world?"

"Oh! indeed you are not."

"Who then?"

"Why, Gold-tree, your daughter."

Silver-tree went home, blind with rage. She lay down on the bed, and vowed she would never be well until she could get the heart and the liver of Gold-tree, her daughter, to eat.

At nightfall the king came home, and it was told him that Silver- tree, his wife, was very ill. He went where she was, and asked her what was wrong with her.

"Oh! only a thing--which you may heal if you like."

"Oh! indeed there is nothing at all which I could do for you that I would not do."

"If I get the heart and the liver of Gold-tree, my daughter, to eat, I shall be well."

Now it happened about this time that the son of a great king had come from abroad to ask Gold-tree for marrying. The king now agreed to this, and they went abroad.

The king then went and sent his lads to the hunting-hill for a he- goat, and he gave its heart and its liver to his wife to eat; and she rose well and healthy.

A year after this Silver-tree went to the glen, where there was the well in which there was the trout.

"Troutie, bonny little fellow," said she, "am not I the most beautiful queen in the world?"

"Oh! indeed you are not."

"Who then?"

"Why, Gold-tree, your daughter."

"Oh! well, it is long since she was living. It is a year since I ate her heart and liver."

"Oh! indeed she is not dead. She is married to a great prince abroad."

Silver-tree went home, and begged the king to put the long-ship in order, and said, "I am going to see my dear Gold-tree, for it is so long since I saw her." The long-ship was put in order, and they went away.

It was Silver-tree herself that was at the helm, and she steered the ship so well that they were not long at all before they arrived.

The prince was out hunting on the hills. Gold-tree knew the long- ship of her father coming.

"Oh!" said she to the servants, "my mother is coming, and she will kill me."

"She shall not kill you at all; we will lock you in a room where she cannot get near you."

This is how it was done; and when Silver-tree came ashore, she began to cry out:

"Come to meet your own mother, when she comes to see you," Gold tree said that she could not, that she was locked in the room, and that she could not get out of it.

"Will you not put out," said Silver tree, "your little finger through the key-hole, so that your own mother may give a kiss to it?"

She put out her little finger, and Silver-tree went and put a poisoned stab in it, and Gold-tree fell dead.

When the prince came home, and found Gold-tree dead, he was in great sorrow, and when he saw how beautiful she was, he did not bury her at all, but he locked her in a room where nobody would get near her.

In the course of time he married again, and the whole house was under the hand of this wife but one room, and he himself always kept the key of that room. On a certain day of the days he forgot to take the key with him, and the second wife got into the room. What did she see there but the most beautiful woman that she ever saw.

She began to turn and try to wake her, and she noticed the poisoned stab in her finger. She took the stab out, and Gold-tree rose alive, as beautiful as she was ever.

At the fall of night the prince came home from the hunting-hill, looking very downcast.

"What gift," said his wife, "would you give me that I could make you laugh?"

"Oh! indeed, nothing could make me laugh, except Gold-tree were to come alive again."

"Well, you'll find her alive down there in the room."

When the prince saw Gold-tree alive he made great rejoicings, and he began to kiss her, and kiss her, and kiss her. Said the second wife, "Since she is the first one you had it is better for you to stick to her, and I will go away."

"Oh! indeed you shall not go away, but I shall have both of you."

At the end of the year, Silver-tree went to the glen, where there was the well, in which there was the trout.

"Troutie, bonny little fellow," said she, "am not I the most beautiful queen in the world?"

"Oh! indeed you are not."

"Who then?"

"Why, Gold-tree, your daughter."

"Oh! well, she is not alive. It is a year since I put the poisoned stab into her finger."

"Oh! indeed she is not dead at all, at all."

Silver-tree, went home, and begged the king to put the long-ship in order, for that she was going to see her dear Gold tree, as it was so long since she saw her. The long-ship was put in order, and they went away. It was Silver-tree herself that was at the helm, and she steered the ship so well that they were not long at all before they arrived.

The prince was out hunting on the hills. Gold-tree knew her father's ship coming.

"Oh!" said she, "my mother is coming, and she will kill me."

"Not at all," said the second wife; "we will go down to meet her."

Silver-tree came ashore. "Come down, Gold tree, love," said she, "for your own mother has come to you with a precious drink."

"It is a custom in this country," said the second wife, "that the person who offers a drink takes a draught out of it first."

Silver-tree put her mouth to it, and the second wife went and struck it so that some of it went down her throat, and she fell dead. They had only to carry her home a dead corpse and bury her.

The prince and his two wives were long alive after this, pleased and peaceful.

I left them there.
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ผลลัพธ์ (มาเลย์) 1: [สำเนา]

Suatu masa dahulu ada seorang raja yang mempunyai seorang isteri, namanya pokok perak, dan seorang anak perempuan, yang bernama pokok emas. pada suatu hari tertentu satu hari, emas-pokok dan perak-pokok pergi ke lembah, di mana terdapat satu baik, dan di dalamnya terdapat trout a.

berkata perak-pokok, "troutie, montok rakan-rakan sedikit, bukan seorang i ratu yang paling indah di dunia? "

" oh! sesungguhnya kamu tidak. "

" yang kemudian? "

" mengapa,emas-pokok, anak perempuan anda. "

perak-pokok pulang ke rumah, orang yang buta dengan marah. dia berbaring di atas katil, dan berikrar dia tidak akan menjadi baik sehingga dia boleh mendapatkan jantung dan hati emas-pokok, anak perempuannya , untuk makan.

pada waktu malam raja pulang ke rumah, dan ia memberitahu bahawa perak-pokok, isterinya, jatuh sakit. dia pergi mana dia, dan bertanya apa yang salah dengan dia

. "oh!hanya satu perkara -. yang anda boleh sembuh jika anda suka "

" oh! memang ada apa-apa pun yang saya boleh lakukan untuk anda bahawa saya tidak akan lakukan. "

" jika saya mendapatkan jantung dan hati emas-pokok, anak perempuan saya, untuk makan, i boleh juga. "

kini ia berlaku kira-kira masa ini bahawa anak seorang raja yang besar datang dari luar negara untuk meminta emas pokok untuk berkahwin. raja kini bersetuju untuk ini, dan mereka ke luar negara.

raja kemudian pergi dan dihantar lads untuk memburu-bukit untuk dia-kambing, dan dia memberikan hati dan hati kepada isterinya untuk makan dan dia naik dengan baik dan sihat

a. tahun selepas perak-pokok ini telah pergi ke lembah, di mana terdapat juga di mana terdapat ikan trout.

"troutie, montok rakan-rakan sedikit," katanya, "tidak am i ratu yang paling indah di dunia?"

"oh! sesungguhnya kamu tidak."

"Yang kemudian?"

"Mengapa, emas-pokok, anak perempuan anda."

"Oh! Dengan baik, ia adalah panjang sejak dia tinggal. Ia adalah satu tahun sejak i makan jantung dan hati dia."

"Oh ! sesungguhnya dia tidak mati. dia berkahwin dengan seorang putera yang besar di luar negara. "

perak-pokok pulang ke rumah, dan memohon raja untuk meletakkan-kapal lama yang di perintah, dan berkata," i am akan melihat emas kesayanganku -pokok, kerana ia adalah begitu lama sejak saya melihat beliau."-Kapal lama yang telah dimasukkan ke dalam perintah, dan mereka pergi.

Ia adalah perak-pokok sendiri yang menerajui, dan dia mengemudi kapal dengan baik sehingga mereka tidak lama di semua sebelum mereka tiba.

Yang putera telah keluar memburu di kawasan bukit. emas pokok tahu panjang kapal yang bapanya akan datang.

"oh!" katanya kepada hamba-hamba, "ibu saya akan datang, dan dia akan membunuh aku."

"katanya Jangan membunuh anda pada setiap;kami akan mengunci anda di dalam bilik di mana dia tidak boleh mendekati anda "

ini adalah bagaimana ia dilakukan dan apabila perak-pokok datang ke darat, dia mula menangis keluar:

". datang bertemu ibu anda sendiri, apabila dia datang untuk melihat anda, "kata pokok emas yang dia tidak boleh, bahawa dia telah dikunci di dalam bilik, dan bahawa dia tidak dapat keluar daripadanya.

" kamu tidak meletakkan keluar, "kata pokok perak," jari kecil anda melalui lubang kunci,supaya ibu anda sendiri boleh memberikan ciuman kepadanya? "

dia memadamkan jari beliau, dan perak-pokok pergi dan meletakkan tikaman beracun di dalamnya, dan emas-pokok jatuh mati.

apabila putera pulang ke rumah, dan mendapati emas pokok mati, dia dalam kesedihan yang besar, dan apabila dia melihat betapa cantiknya dia, dia tidak menanamnya hidup-hidup pada semua, tetapi dia dikunci beliau di dalam bilik di mana tiada siapa yang akan mendekati beliau.

dalam perjalanan masa beliau berkahwin sekali lagi, dan seluruh rumah berada di bawah tangan isteri ini tetapi satu bilik, dan dia sendiri sentiasa kunci bilik itu. pada suatu hari tertentu satu hari dia terlupa untuk mengambil kunci dengan dia, dan isteri kedua mendapat ke dalam bilik. apa yang dia melihat di sana tetapi wanita yang paling indah yang dia pernah melihat.

dia mula berubah dan cuba untuk bangun dia,dan dia perasan tikaman beracun di jarinya. beliau mengambil tikaman keluar, dan emas-pokok meningkat hidup, seperti yang cantik kerana beliau sebelum ini.

pada kejatuhan malam putera pulang dari pemburuan-bukit kelihatan amat sedih.

"apa hadiah," kata beliau isteri, "anda akan memberikan saya bahawa saya boleh membuat anda ketawa?"

"oh! sesungguhnya, tiada apa yang boleh membuat saya ketawa, kecuali emas pokok adalah untuk menjadi hidup lagi."

"baik,anda akan menemui hidup-hidup di bawah sana di dalam bilik. "

apabila putera itu melihat emas pokok hidup dia membuat bersuka ria yang besar, dan dia mula menciumnya, dan menciumnya, dan menciumnya. kata isteri kedua," kerana dia adalah salah satu yang pertama yang anda mempunyai ia adalah lebih baik bagi anda untuk berpegang kepada beliau, dan saya akan pergi. "

" oh! sesungguhnya kamu tidak akan pergi jauh, tetapi saya mempunyai anda berdua. "

pada akhir tahun ini,perak-pokok pergi ke lembah, di mana terdapat juga, di mana terdapat ikan trout.

"troutie, montok rakan-rakan sedikit," katanya, "tidak am i ratu yang paling indah di dunia?"

" oh! sesungguhnya kamu tidak. "

" yang kemudian? "

" mengapa, emas-pokok, anak perempuan anda. "

" oh! baik, dia tidak hidup. ia adalah setahun sejak i meletakkan beracun menikam ke jarinya. "

" oh! sesungguhnya dia tidak mati di semua, pada semua. "

perak-pokok, pulang ke rumah, dan memohon raja untuk meletakkan-kapal lama yang teratur, untuk itu dia akan melihat pokok emas karibnya, kerana ia begitu lama sejak dia melihat. -kapal lama yang telah dimasukkan ke dalam perintah, dan mereka pergi. ia adalah perak-pokok sendiri yang menerajui, dan dia mengemudi kapal dengan baik sehingga mereka tidak lama di semua sebelum mereka tiba.

putera itu keluar memburu di kawasan bukit.emas-pokok tahu kapal ayahnya datang.

"oh!" katanya, ". ibu saya akan datang, dan dia akan membunuh aku"

"tidak sama sekali," kata isteri kedua; "kita akan turun bertemu dengannya."

perak-pokok datang ke darat. "Turun, pokok emas, kasih sayang," katanya, "untuk ibu anda sendiri telah datang kepada kamu dengan minuman berharga."

"Ia adalah satu adat di negara ini," kata isteri kedua,"Bahawa orang yang menawarkan minuman mengambil draf daripada itu pertama."

Perak-pokok meletakkan mulutnya kepadanya, dan isteri kedua pergi dan melanda ia maka sebahagian di antaranya ia pergi ke dalam kerongkong dia, dan dia jatuh mati . mereka hanya membawa dia rumah mayat mati dan menanamnya hidup-hidup.

putera dan dua isterinya telah lama hidup selepas ini, gembira dan aman.

i meninggalkan mereka di sana.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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