Alright so I've told you all the thing gamefication is not what is it then? I gave you the definition use of game elements and game design techniques in non game context. Here are three other things that gameifcation does, the first is gamefication is about listening to games. In other words, gamification means the recognition that games are powerful. That games can teach us things, that games are designed in sophisticated ways. That if we understand what those mechanisms are, and we understand how to apply those same techniques. We can achieve powerful business results. Secondly, Gamification is about learning, learning from game design but also learning from fields like psychology and management and marketing and economics. It's a way in to understand things about motivation. About human behaviour whether that's in a workplace context, a marketing context, a crowd sourcing context or behaviour change context. Learning deep things about what makes people act in a certain way. And design patterns to activate those aspects of human behavior, that's what gamification can do. And finally, gamification fundamentally is about fun. Fun, that difficult to define concept, which I will talk about in a later segment. Gamification recognizes that fun is powerful, that one of the things that makes games. So important and so significant throughout all of human history is that they're more than just mathematical models. Yes, a mathematical model can be used to play the game effectively. But the game is somehow more than that in large part because the game creates this sense that we call fun.