Goals / Acheivements
Whether being able to learn to play a Musical Instrument as a long-life leisure skill for self enjoyment, or the enjoyment of interactig with others in a band or group situation.
The Manhattan School Of Music also gives musical aspirants the opportuntiy to pursue a professional career within the industry and become Professional Musicians. Formal music examinations from recognized boards such as the Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB) or the Australian New Zealand Cultrual Arts (ANZCA) are given from preliminary until grade 8.
Further to the above mentioned we have introduced Rockschool Australia to MANHATTAN School of Music. Rockschool is a leading accredited provider of Rock and Pop Exams worldwide. We offer graded music exams in the principal rock instruments such as Voice, Guitar, Drums, Piano and Bass and further Diplomas in Teaching and Performance.
Rockschool produces and examines unique music qualifications that are taught by independent teachers in schools, colleges and music centres all over the world. Rockschool music qualifications are practical, flexible and fun and are open to musicians of all ages and abilities.