최근 라면 스프의 원료로 사용되는 중국산 고추씨 기름에서 발암물질인 벤조피렌이 검출돼 논란이 되고 있다. 그러나 일각에서는 벤 การแปล - 최근 라면 스프의 원료로 사용되는 중국산 고추씨 기름에서 발암물질인 벤조피렌이 검출돼 논란이 되고 있다. 그러나 일각에서는 벤 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

최근 라면 스프의 원료로 사용되는 중국산 고추씨 기름에서 발암물

최근 라면 스프의 원료로 사용되는 중국
산 고추씨 기름에서 발암물질인 벤조피렌
이 검출돼 논란이 되고 있다. 그러나 일각
에서는 벤조피렌에 대한 과잉반응으로 보
는 시선도 있다. 라면의 벤조피렌 검출.
무엇이며, 벤조피렌으로부터 안전을 지키
는 방법이 무엇인지 알아보자.
정리 편집실
라면에 벤조피렌,
무엇이 문제인가?
건강한 정보* 스토리텔링 | 벤조피렌
09 열린마루 2013 March + April
벤조피렌? 도대체 그게 뭐야?
1963년, 가난한 나라였던 대한민국 국민의
식량 자급을 위해 등장한 라면은 엄청난 파장
을 일으켰다. 이후 폭풍 성장하던 라면의 붐은
1989년 면을 공업용 쇠기름으로 튀겼다는 보도
로 촉발된 ‘우지파동’에 의해 위기를 맞기도 했
다. 하지만 이 위기를 계기로 기업들은 라면의
고급화·다양화를 추구하게 되었다.
우리나라 1인당 연간 라면 소비량은 무려 69개
(전체 소비량으로 세계 1위인 중국의 1인당 소
비량 32개)라고 한다. 이처럼 남녀노소 가릴
것 없이 제일의 기호식품으로 인기를 구가하는
라면. 그런데 얼마 전, 라면의 안전성을 의심하
게 하는 상황이 또다시 발생했다. 바로 이런 경
벤조피렌? 발암물질? 그것도 스프원료라는데
도대체 무엇이 문제이길래 배고플 때, 입이 심
최대리 민정 씨 출출하지 않아 뭐 좀 먹을까?
민정 씨 대리님, 간단하게 라면 한 그룻 어떠세요.
최대리 라면?! 요즘 라면 벤조피렌 때문에
난리난거 몰라?
민정 씨 그거 기준치 이하라 먹어도 괜찮아요.
대리님은 담배 피우잖아요. 그게 더 나빠요.
최대리 그래도 라면은 찜찜한데…
어차피 몸에 쌓이면 나쁜 거 아냐?
민정 씨 그런가~? 그럼 샌드위치 드실래요?
심할 때, 출출할 때 어디서라도 쉽게 찾던 라면
을 포기하게 했을까.
1급 발암물질로 알려져 유해물질 논란을 불러
일으킨 벤조피렌은 소금이나 설탕같은 식품 첨
가물이 아니다. 유난히 굽고 볶는 요리를 애호
하는 한국인이라면 누구나 접했을 음식의 검게
탄 부분과 고기 굽는 연기 등에 포함되어 있는
물질이 바로 벤조피렌(benzo[a]pyrene)이다.
다시 말해 고열로 식품을 가열하는 과정에서 탄
수화물, 단백질, 지방 등의 성분이 불완전 연소
될 때 생성되는 물질이라는 사실.
생활 속 곳곳에 존재하는 벤조피렌
어릴 때부터 어머니한테서 늘 들어온 ‘탄 음식
먹지 마라’. ‘고기는 환기가 잘 되는 곳에서 구워
라’ 등의 얘기는 바로 이런 이유에서다. 벤조피
렌은 2006년 국제암연구소(IARC)가 1등급 발
암물로 분류하면서 세상에 알려져 위험성을 인
지하게 됐지만, 이미 예전부터 우리 일상에서
접하고 있던 성분인 셈이다.
이 밖에도 거리의 자동차 매연, 담배 연기 등에
도 벤조피렌이 포함되어 있으며, 환경오염으로
농산물, 어패류 등에도 존재할 수 있다. 이러한
벤조피렌은 오염된 환경과 조리 및 가공된 식품
을 통하여 우리 몸속에 축적되고 있다.
물론 일상에서 쉽게 접할 수 있다고 벤조피렌이
덜 위험한 것은 아니다. 1급 발암물질인 만큼
체내에 유입되면 산화되어 독성을 나타내고 장
‘벤조피렌 빨간불’ 조리법 선택이 중요
몸에 축적되는 벤조피렌은 어떻게 피
할 수 있을까? 벤조피렌은 자동차 매
연 등 대기오염에서도 흡입된다. 따라
서 정부는 이를 최소화하기 위해 자동
차 배기가스 등 대기 오염을 막기 위한
노력을 기울이고 있다.
● 매연이 심한 곳은 피하거나 마스크를 사용한다.
● 생선, 고기 등을 구울때 연기는 피한다.
● 직화구이는 되도록 피하고 탄 부분은 제거하고 먹는다.
● 조리법도 숯불보다는 불판, 불판 보다는 찌거나, 삶는 방법
이 벤조피렌 생성을 줄일 수 있다.
● 흡연자는 금연이 필수, 주변인에게도 피해를 줄 수 있다.
일반적으로 식당에서의 대기 중 벤조피렌 함량은 굽기 전(20
μg/m3)에 비해 구운 후(160μg/m3)가 8배 이상 증가한다고
알려져 있으므로 주의를 기울이는 게 좋다.
일상에서 벤조피렌 피하는 법
“라면스프 파동,
현행법 위반이 사건의 본질이죠”
최근 문제가 된 라면 중 벤조피렌 검출사례는 기준치 초과로
적발된 훈제건조어육(벤조피렌 기준 10ppb)과 고추씨 기름
(벤조피렌 기준 2ppb)이 라면스프 원료로 사용된 경우입니
다. 식품 중 유해물질 기준을 초과한 식품은 법적으로 제조,
생산, 유통을 못하게 제품은 회수·폐기해야 합니다. 물론
라면 스프에 사용된 것은 소량이고, 라면 한 봉지로 따지면
검출되지 않을 수준의 미량으로 안전하다고 할 수 있습니다.
하지만, 유해물질이 우리 몸속에 독성치 이상으로 축적되는
것을 예방하기 위해 식품마다 기준을 설정하여 규제하는 것
이 국제적인 원칙이고 방향이므로, 기준을 초과한 제품은 생
산, 유통하거나 원료로 사용해서는 안 됩니다. 즉, 라면에
벤조피렌이 얼마나 들어 있느냐, 유해하느냐가 아니라 명백
한 현행법 위반이라는 점이 이번 사건의 본질입니다.
식약처에 듣는다
기간 노출 시 폐암, 위암, 피부암, 췌장암, 대
장암, 유방암 등을 유발할 수 있는 유해한 성분
임은 분명하다.
국내 벤조피렌 기준, EU보다 엄격히 높아
우리가 접하는 모든 식품에는 유해물질이 일정
량 다양하게 포함되어 있다. 청정지대에서 신
선하게 자랐다고 해도 식품 자체에 일정량 포함
되어 있는 오염물질은 피할 수 없다. 이 때문에
유해물질은 알게 모르게 식품 또는 환경을 통해
우리 몸속에 축적된다.
이러한 유해물질이 포함된 식품은 위험한 것일
까? 꼭 그렇지는 않다. 유해물질은 독성의 특성
이 각각 다르다. 예를 들면 복어독소는 청산가
리의 100배∼1,000배의 독성이 있어 복어 한
마리만 잘못 먹어도 사망할 수 있다. 반면 중금
속이나 벤조피렌은 곧바로 독성이 나타나는 게
아니라 일정량 이상 축적되었을 때 문제가 발생
된다. 때문에 정부는 식품마다 각각에 적정한
기준을 설정하여 관리하고 있다. 즉, 일반 소비
자들이 일정량 이상의 오염 식품을 섭취하지 않
도록 법적 기준을 정하여 규제함으로써 유해물
질이 체내에 축적되는 것을 관리하는 것이다.
현재 우리나라는 수산물, 식용유지, 훈제육, 분
유 등에서 유럽연합(EU)의 벤조피렌 기준을 그
대로 적용하고 있으며, 이에 더해 유럽연합에도
없는 ‘훈제건조어육(가쓰오부시 등)’과 일부 농
산물에까지 기준을 두고 있어 세계에서 가장 엄
격한 기준을 적용하고 있다고 볼 수 있다.
반면, 일본은 ‘훈제건조어육’ 소비량이 우리나라
보다 많으며 생산량과 교역량에서 세계 최고 수
준인데도 조미용으로 소량 사용하고 1회 섭취
량이 적어 국민건강에 직접적인 영향을 미치지
않는다는 판단으로 벤조피렌 기준을 두지 않고
있다. 같은 이유로 미국, 호주 등 선진국에서도
식품 전반에 벤조피렌 기준을 두지 않고 있다.
이번에 발생한 국내 라면의 고추씨 기름 벤조피
렌 논란에 대해 전문가들이 오히려 과민반응을
우려하며 ‘기준을 완화해야 한다’고 주장하는 이
유 역시 이처럼 지나칠 정도로 엄격한 국내 기
준 때문이다. 현재 우리 정부는 조미용에도 기
준을 적용하는 건 물론 참기름, 들기름, 고추
씨 기름 등 고온 가열 공정을 거치는 조미유에
도 가열 공정이 없는 유럽 식용유 기준을 그대
로 적용하기 때문에 공정상의 차이로 인한 문제
가 자주 지적되고 있는 게 사실이다.
11 열린마루 2013 March + April
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Recently, noodle soup as an ingredient are used for People's Republic of ChinaMountain pepper seed oil from the carcinogenic substance benzopyreneGot this detection to be controversial. However, someThe benzopyrene into an overreaction forLeading the city. Of benzopyrene.What is benzopyrene safe fromFind out what way.Theorem NewsroomRamen benzopyrene,What is the problem?08Healthy * storytelling | BenzopyreneBenzopyrene?09 March + April open floor –Benzopyrene?Benzopyrene? What the heck is that?In 1963, was a poor country, the people's KoreaIf you appeared to feed enormous wavelength. Since the boom of growth if the storm wasIn 1989, when fried in oil industrial iron pressDriven by the crisis, the Lódz ' surge was awesomeBut in the wake of the crisis, companies ofGentrification and the pursuit of diversification.If our per capita annual consumption is at a whopping 69People's Republic of China, which is the world's no. 1 overall consumption (per capita cowNon-volume 32). This au boutThe best sign without food are popularIt's a. But not long ago, it's a doubt the safety of theThe situation had occurred over and over again. This SirUday.Benzopyrene? Carcinogen? It's called raw soupsWhat the problem when you're hungry and want to win, this heartMax Lee Min-Jeong is not shipped to get something to eat Mr. exodus?Mr. Julia, by proxy, simple if you are feeling that day.Max Lee?! These days it's a benzopyrene becauseAll the fuss I don't know?Mr. Julia could eat this or equal to that fine.The surrogate's smoke. That's worse.If you're still having the clamped up Lee ...Small bad body anyway?Mr. Nye-Julia? Then the sandwich? Hit, if you're looking for easily, even when and where culculhalWould have to give up.1st class known carcinogens hazardous materials call controversyThat caused the salt or sugar, such as benzopyrene in foods everThis is not a dagger. Roasting dishes exceptionally loving bakingIf anyone touches the Korean food blackBurning smoke and the burnt part and theThe very substance benzopyrene (benzo [a] pyrene).In other words, the high temperature in the process of heating food to TanHydrates, proteins, fats, etc. the elements of incomplete combustionThe fact that the substance that is created when the.Life exists throughout the benzopyreneFrom an early age my mother brought me a cool ' burnt foodDo not eat '. ' Meat is baked in a well-ventilated areaIn keeping with this talk of '. Ben Joe p.Len is the 2006 International Cancer Research (IARC) level 1 BalCancer is known to the world, while classified as a water hazard isEven though, since we have already used to getting on a daily basisI was entertaining elements.In addition, street car exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, etc.Also contain benzopyrene, environmental pollutionAgricultural products, fish and shellfish can also exist. TheseBenzopyrene is cooked and processed foods contaminated environmentAccumulate in our bodies through.Of course, the easy access to on a daily basis that benzopyrene isNot less dangerous. Grade 1 carcinogenic substance as long asIn the body, is toxic and oxidizing if chapter10' Red light ' benzopyrene is important to choose a recipeThe body accumulates benzopyrene is what PianYou can do? Benzopyrene is a car everyEven the air pollution, such as the kite is inhaled. In accordance with theThe Government is to minimize this, autoTo prevent air pollution, including car exhaustsEfforts.● There are fumes or mask.● When you burn the smoke fish, meat, etc.● Remove the burnt part to avoid possible barbecued and eat.● Charcoal fire Edition than the recipe, rather than a flake, or hotplate is a way of lifeThis can help reduce the creation of benzopyrene.& # 149 smokers to quit smoking is required, can also damage the surrounding persons.Typically, a restaurant waiting benzopyrene content is burning (20Μ g/m 3) compared to roast (160 μ g/m 3) is at least 8 times increaseSo we can make it.How to avoid the benzopyrene in everyday life"It's a soup, wave,It's the nature of the incident a violation of existing laws "The latest issue of the Ramen of benzopyrene into the smallest of cases detected the excessDried smoked fish caught (benzopyrene standard 10ppb) and pepper seed oil(Based on 2ppb benzopyrene) noodle soup when used as an ingredient.Exceeds the criteria of hazardous substances of foods food all are legally manufactured,Don't let the production, distribution, product and must be discarded. Of courseIt is used in small quantities in the soup and ramen, it's as a bag-landDoes not detect the level of trace is safe as can be.However, hazardous substances in our body than the toxic accumulation of ChiSetting the criteria for each food in order to prevent the regulatingThis exceeds the standards of the international principles and direction, so the product is rawMountain, distribution or as a raw material and should not be used. In other words, it's theBenzopyrene is not harmful, it's obvious how much,That is the essence of this violation of one of the existing laws.Hear about the expression, Threesome The term exposure: lung cancer, stomach cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer,Colon cancer, breast cancer can cause harmful elements such asIM is clear.Domestic benzopyrene, than strictly EU HighWe are all foods are new hazardous substances scheduleThe amount includes a wide variety of. In the clean zoneEven if the food itself to grew up a certain amount includingThe contaminant is unavoidable. Because of this, theGet to know hazardous substance without knowing the food or environmentWe are accumulating in the body.Foods that contain these hazardous substances is a dangerous thing? It is not necessarily. Characteristics of the hazardous substances toxicThis is different for each. For example, the puffer fish toxin cyanideLee's got 100 times to 1,000 times the toxic pufferfish, oneOnly have the wrong death. On the other hand of goldGenus or benzopyrene is directly toxic to appearWhen the problem occurs a certain amount, not more than. Because the Government food affordable to each and everyThe Administration set the standards. In other words, the average consumptionFor those who do not consume a certain amount or more contaminated foodThe legal standards set by the regulation to the point of pestsQuality will be accumulated in the body is to manage.Currently, the country has maintained, smoked meats, fish, edible minuteIn the European Union (EU), such as the breast benzopyrene standards thatApply as, even in the European Union' Smoked dried fish (katsuobushi, etc), and someLeave it up to the standards of the product's world's mothYou can see that the strong criteria.On the other hand, Japan is ' smoked dried fish meat ' consumption in KoreaMany production and trade in the world than to be the bestUse a small amount for the Zune, flavoring and 1 intakeMake a note of the amount of public health has a direct impact on theWith benzopyrene standards that do notSaid. For the same reason, the United States, such as Australia and even in developed countriesThe food overall is not the criteria of benzopyrene.If this happens in domestic pepper seeds oil of Ben and Joe p.Rennes are experts about the controversy rather than overreactShould alleviate the concerns and ' standards ' and claim that thisYu also dismissed as overly stringent domesticThe Zune. Currently, our Government is even for a seasoned riderThe only thing that gave me of course, sesame oil, oil, pepperSeed oil for high temperature heating process, such as the seasoned oilHeating process is not for him the European edible oil standardsTo be fair, because the differences apply to problems caused byOften pointed out is the fact that.11 March – the open flooring + April
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
China, which is used as raw material in recent noodle soup
is a carcinogen benzopyrene in the mountains red pepper oil
is detected gotta has been controversial. But the tip
, the Beams over-reaction to benzopyrene
can also gaze. . If the detection of benzopyrene
What is kept safe from benzopyrene
Find out whether the method is.
Clean cutting room
if the benzopyrene,
what is the problem?
healthy information * Storytelling | benzopyrene
? benzopyrene
09 March + April 2013 opened the floor
benzopyrene? What the hell is that?
In 1963, the people of the Republic of Korea was a poor country
if that appeared to food self-sufficiency it is a huge wave
caused. If after the storm was the boom of growth is
flipped face in 1989 are reported as industrial suet
it did also fit the crisis triggered by the "Uzi wave" to
find. But if their businesses in the wake of the crisis
has been advanced, to seek to diversify.
If our country per capita annual consumption is a whopping 69
(by world No. 1 overall consumption per cow in China
is called biryang 32). Thus au bout
that will get the most popular symbol of food without
noodles. But not long ago, and the safety of the doubt if
this situation were to occur again. If this right
benzopyrene? Carcinogens? It soup raw raneunde
when the hell's wrong yigilrae hungry, mouth-core
choedaeri not hungry, Mr. Min something to eat?
Mr. Min's behalf, how about if you simply DeGroot.
choedaeri If you ?! If benzopyrene because these days
wars nangeo know?
That's okay Civil Affairs, Mr. Ihara eat baseline.
're a deputy's tobacco smoke. That's more bad.
But if choedaeri is jjimjjim together ...
anyway, I'm not a bad build up in the body?
Mr. Min-SiO? So would you like a sandwich?
When severe, when hungry, anywhere easily if looking for
would be to give up.
known as Class 1 carcinogens, toxic substances called controversy
is causing benzopyrene food additives such as salt or sugar
is not the drought. The roasting baking dish exceptionally loving
Koreans, if anyone in the dark encounter food
that contains meat broiler smoke and burnt part and
the right is a substance benzopyrene (benzo [a] pyrene).
In other words, burnt in the process of heating food to high heat
Luggage , protein, fat, etc. This incomplete combustion
when a material fact that is generated
throughout life benzopyrene present in
it from the mother from an early age, "Tan food always came
not eat. " 'Meat is baked in a well ventilated area
will remind talking about this very reason, such as la '. Benzo blood
Rennes in 2006, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has first class feet
of the risks known to the world as divided into ammul
dwaetjiman the paper, already from the past in our everyday
sense of the components that were in contact.
In addition, the street car fumes, tobacco smoke, etc.
This also includes benzopyrene, and environmental pollution
agricultural products, fish and shellfish, etc. may also be present. These
contaminated the environment and benzopyrene are cooked and processed foods
are being accumulated in our bodies through.
Of course, they can easily access daily that benzopyrene is
not less dangerous. Class 1 carcinogen by
the oxidation represents a toxic when introduced into the body section
is selected, benzopyrene red light 'recipes important
how benzopyrene blood to accumulate in the body
could be? Benzopyrene is every car
is sucked in air pollution, such as kites. Depending
standing government to minimize it automatically
to prevent the car exhaust gases, such as air pollution
has committed.
● Where should avoid heavy smoke or use a mask.
● fish, meat, etc. Avoid smoke when burned.
● flame roasted so avoid eating burnt part and remove.
● Recipe than even charcoal grill, steamed or grill rather, boiling method
can reduce the generation benzopyrene.
● smoker smoking can reduce required, even marginal damage.
In general, Waiting for the content of benzopyrene was burning in the dining room before (20
compared with toasted after μg / m3) (160μg / m3) has increased more than eight times that
it may be known to pay attention.
how to avoid benzopyrene in the day-to-day
"surge noodle soup,
law It's the nature of this violation case "
benzopyrene detected cases of recent problems if the threshold is exceeded as
smoked dried fish caught (benzopyrene standard 10ppb) and red pepper oil
(benzopyrene based on 2ppb) ramen soup is when used as a raw material
is. Food and hazardous substances in excess of the standard of the food is legally manufactured,
produced, preventing the collection and distribution of the product should be discarded. Of course,
it is a small amount used in the soup noodles, ramen In terms into a bag
that can not be detected trace levels of safety.
However, harmful substances that accumulate in our bodies over toxicity values
​​for each food standards to prevent to regulation by setting
because it is an international principle and direction, which are raw products exceed the standards
should not be used as a mountain, distribution, or raw materials. In other words, if the
whether benzopyrene example how this hazardous Do not obvious that
the nature of the incident points of a law violation.
Listen to sikyak treatment
period of exposure lung cancer, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, large
bowel cancer, such as breast cancer, which can cause harmful ingredients
being is clear.
benzopyrene domestic standards, strictly higher than the EU
all the food we are facing certain hazardous substances
include various amounts. Seen from the Clean Zone
grew even for good and the food itself contains a certain amount
of pollutants that are unavoidable. Because of this
hazardous substance is found involuntarily through the food or the environment
and accumulate in our body.
Foods that contain these dangerous toxic substances be
how? Just not the case. Hazardous substances are toxic characteristics
differ respectively. For example, puffer fish toxin cheongsanga
Lee got 100 times ~1,000 times the toxic puffer fish who
can be killed only wrong to eat animals. On the other hand heavy metals
are toxic in or benzopyrene is to appear immediately
when the problem occurs not more than a certain amount accumulated
is. Since each state is appropriate for each food
has managed to set the baseline. In other words, regular consumption of
those who do not consume more than a certain amount of food contaminated
by pests prescribed legal standards to regulate
the quality of management that will accumulate in the body.
Currently, Korea aquatic products, edible oil, smoked meat, minutes,
oil, etc. The European Union ( benzopyrene basis of the EU) that
are applied in the, In addition to the European Union
no "smoked dried fish (Katsuobushi, etc.), and some agricultural
products have left the standards far the most strict in the world
can see that you are applying stringent criteria .
On the other hand, Japan is 'smoked dried fish' country consumption
and production in the world more often you can trade up to
a level even though a small amount jomiyong and once ingested
directly affect the amount of down public health
without reference to the judgment does not put a benzopyrene
is . For the same reason the United States and Australia, in industrialized countries
can not put a benzopyrene standards throughout the food.
This time the blood of the red pepper oil, benzoin occurred if national
experts on controversial Rennes were rather overreact
and concerns 'must ease the standards' and argued that
Thus oil well enough to pass stringent national group
because standards. Currently our government is based in jomiyong
of course mean to apply the standard sesame oil, perilla oil, pepper
seasoning oil seed oil passes through the high temperature heating process
with no heating process is also based on European oil thou
problems caused by differences in the process because it applies to the
frequent In fact, it is being pointed out.
2013 March + April 11 opened the floor
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in recent years, as the spirit of china as raw materials, the use of carcinogenic substances in the hot oil in the detection of benzo pyrene, it ". however, at the moment, benzo pyrene, due to reaction of line of sight. if the detection of benzo pyrene, what times, benzo pyrene, to protect the safety of this method is to look up the editing room
the benzo pyrene, what's the problem?

* 08 health information, the telephone ring | benzo pyrene, Benzopyrene. 09, open floor, 2013 March AprilBenzopyrene.
benzo pyrene. in the end, what it is. in years, and the country was the republic of people's food self-sufficiency, to appear, it is of great fluctuations caused. after the development of the times. it launched in 1989, butter, or industrial use. according to reports, the "storm" to go "in the crisis, but also. but the crisis as an opportunity, the enterprise is advanced, and the variety of culture. in china, per capita annual consumption of up to 69 years old, if it is a dog(of a person in the world. in china, the per capita amount 32). so, men and women will become the first symbol is the food of all the times. but a few days ago, said the safety of doubt, the situation happen again. such is the
benzo pyrene. carcinogenic substances. that is, soup raw material. what is the problem. when, in the heart, the mouth is not hungry to eat something. miss, the proxythe first is a simple how to.
the. if you have trouble, benzo pyrene, because i don't know. the standard value, and that's it, eat., the smoking agent. it is not good, it is the heart. the body is accumulated, it is bad. this is the times. the sandwich? serious when, where, and when you are hungry, it is easy for you to give it up. the class that, carcinogenic substances, harmful substances, called
caused by benzo pyrene, salt or sugar, such as the food first. especially the fried food, it is the korean people, the contact part of the carbon black and the like, and the material is included, the benzo pyrene (benzo [a] pyrene). in other words, a food heating. in the process, the carbon hydrate, protein, fat and other components, incomplete combustion will produce material that is, in fact, in life there is a benzo pyrene,when the mother came back, always don't eat the food, the "bomb". "is good ventilation place to say," and the reason is this. the group, for the 2006 international cancer research institute (IARC) on the first level, the classification of water, the world famous, is the risk of the project. before the start of our daily life, have been in contact, the composition of it. in addition, the street car exhaust gas. in the smoke, and benzo pyrene is included, the pollution of agricultural products, andfish and shellfish are also in existence. of these, benzo pyrene, polluted environment and context, and the times of food through our body in storage. of course, in the daily life is easy, can reduce the benzo pyrene, is not dangerous. the class i carcinogenic substances, so the body will be oxidized into show business, toxic, benzo pyrene, 10
"red light" treatment method selection is very important, is the accumulation of benzo pyrene, how to avoid? benzo pyrene is a smoke, air pollution, and from inhalation.
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