In depth interviews (IDIs) in this study elicited detailed information about water practices especially those activities directly and indirectly supporting mosquito control, people’s perceptions and beliefs and barriers to control practices. IDIs also explored details rising from FGDs, and allowed triangulation of data from FGDs, informal interviews and participant observations (Neuman, 2003:137–138). The participants of IDI did not participate in FGDs, so the data were used to validate with the data from FGDs. The in-depth interview question guides were pre-tested with two housewives. The participants were selected from people who were well known to the researcher and those who were responsible for larval control in their houses. All IDI interviewees were asked to perform the ranking activity. The number of participants in both locations was 50, 16 from IDIs and an additional 34 participants from each setting were randomly selected from both study locations.