A Family Member
My Lover
A Trusted Friend
Order and Obedience
Compromise and Regret
Liberation and Chaos
Lazy Personality
Heart that is jealous of others
Too self-conceited
You are very Attractive
You are very Rich
You are very Smart
Send a messenger
Send Troops
Relinquish the Throne
To Cheat
To Renege on your Commitments
To Steal
Knowledge and Ability
Power and Money
Beauty and Youth
Eliminating your Enemies
The End of Battles
Your allies are alive at the end.
Revenge against your Family
Revenge against your Friends
Revenge against Society
A way to get Rich
A way to Win in Battles
How to win at Love
Inadequate Troops
Poor Leadership
Ill Luck
Having a Strong Military
Unification through Religion
Unification through Hope
To Satisfy Revenge
To Defend my Honor
To Defend my Life
Master-Slave Relationship
Great Friends
Your lover and friends
Your Fame and Reputation
Your Property and Family
You will forever be ugly.
You will forever be alone.
You will forever be in terror.
My Lover
My Child
My Parents
Your Friend's Happiness
Your Happiness
World Peace
Tell your Friend or Family Member.
Continue with this "Relationship"
Forget this even happened.
Your own Strength.
Your allies strength.
Gods Protection.
Release Him
Behead Him
Exile him to another country
A Being to Follow
A Strength to Abuse
Something to be suspicious of